时间:2010-09-02 来源:saltedLinux
C和C++的参考书非常之多,但是他们都一个共同的特点,动辄七八百页,太厚了,很不便于携带,作为一名开发人员,我也是深受其苦。不过,我一年前发现了一个非常好的网站,专门帮助C++开发人员的,现在与大家分享一下。<原创作者:Yujia,更多内容参见 http://flyingyujia.cublog.cn ,仿盗版,不得已而为之>
<原创作者:Yujia,更多内容参见 http://flyingyujia.cublog.cn ,仿盗版,不得已而为之>
function template
<原创作者:Yujia,更多内容参见 http://flyingyujia.cublog.cn ,仿盗版,不得已而为之>
All the elements in [first2,last2) are compared to the each of the values in [first,last) until a match is found. The comparison is performed by either applying the == operator, or the template parameter comp (for the second version). <原创作者:Yujia,更多内容参见 http://flyingyujia.cublog.cn ,仿盗版,不得已而为之>
template <class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2> ForwardIterator1 find_first_of ( ForwardIterator1 first1, ForwardIterator1 last1, ForwardIterator2 first2, ForwardIterator2 last2 ); template <class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2, class BinaryPredicate> ForwardIterator1 find_first_of ( ForwardIterator1 first1, ForwardIterator1 last1, ForwardIterator2 first2, ForwardIterator2 last2, BinaryPredicate pred );
Find element from set in range
Returns an interator to the first occurrence in the range [first1,last1) of any of the elements in [first2,last2).<原创作者:Yujia,更多内容参见 http://flyingyujia.cublog.cn ,仿盗版,不得已而为之>
All the elements in [first2,last2) are compared to the each of the values in [first,last) until a match is found. The comparison is performed by either applying the == operator, or the template parameter comp (for the second version). <原创作者:Yujia,更多内容参见 http://flyingyujia.cublog.cn ,仿盗版,不得已而为之>
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// find_first_of example #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cctype> #include <vector> using namespace std; bool comp_case_insensitive (char c1, char c2) { return (tolower(c1)==tolower(c2)); } int main () { int mychars[] = {'a','b','c','A','B','C'}; vector<char> myvector (mychars,mychars+6); vector<char>::iterator it; int match[] = {'A','B','C'}; // using default comparison: it = find_first_of (myvector.begin(), myvector.end(), match, match+3); if (it!=myvector.end()) cout << "first match is: " << *it << endl; // using predicate comparison: it = find_first_of (myvector.begin(), myvector.end(), match, match+3, comp_case_insensitive); if (it!=myvector.end()) cout << "first match is: " << *it << endl; return 0; } <原创作者:Yujia,更多内容参见 http://flyingyujia.cublog.cn ,仿盗版,不得已而为之> |
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