postgresql 日志分析工具 pgFounie
时间:2010-09-03 来源:大肚熊
* 分析postgresql日志,确认查询语句的执行时间,辅助优化。
* 分析VACUUM命令日志,有助于分析数据库的写活动,辅助制定更好的VACUUM策略。
* 结合Tsung压力测试工具,分析压力测试日志,辅助系统性能测试。

* pgFouine is written in PHP, is object oriented and easily extensible if you need specific reports.
* pgFouine is free software and is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
* pgFouine is designed to parse huge log files with a low memory footprint.
* You can visit the pgFouine project site hosted by pgFoundry.
[root@daduxiong software]# yum install php
[root@daduxiong software]# rpm -ivh pgfouine-1.2-1.noarch.rpm

[postgre@daduxiong ~]$ pgfouine.php --help
Usage: /usr/bin/pgfouine.php -file <file> [-top <n>] [-format <format>] [-logtype <logtype>] [-report [outputfile=]<block1,block2>]
-file <file> log file to analyze
- read the log from stdin instead of -file
-top <n> number of queries in lists. Default is 20.
-format <format> output format: html, html-with-graphs or text. Default is html.
-logtype <logtype> log type: syslog, stderr or csvlog. Default is syslog.
for stderr, you have to use the following log_line_prefix: '%t [%p]: [%l-1] '
-report [outputfile=]<block1,block2> list of report blocks separated by a comma
report blocks can be: overall, hourly, bytype, slowest, n-mosttime,
n-mostfrequent, n-slowestaverage, history, n-mostfrequenterrors,
tsung, csv-query
you can add several -report options if you want to generate several reports at once
-examples <n> maximum number of examples for a normalized query
-onlyselect ignore all queries but SELECT
-from "<date>" ignore lines logged before this date (uses strtotime)
-to "<date>" ignore lines logged after this date (uses strtotime)
-database <database> consider only queries on this database
(supports db1,db2 and /regexp/)
-user <user> consider only queries executed by this user
(supports user1,user2 and /regexp/)
-keepformatting keep the formatting of the query
-maxquerylength <length> maximum length of a query: we cut it if it exceeds this length
-durationunit <s|ms> unit used to display the durations. Default is s(econds).
-title <title> define the title of the reports
-syslogident <ident> PostgreSQL syslog identity. Default is postgres.
-memorylimit <n> PHP memory limit in MB. Default is 512.
-quiet quiet mode
-debug debug mode
-profile profile mode
-help this help
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