javascript/css font detector...
时间:2010-08-09 来源:envykok
How does it work?
This code works on the simple principle that each character appears differently in different fonts. So different fonts will take different width and height for the same string of characters of same font-size.
We try to create a string with a specified font-face. If the font-face is not available, it takes up the font-face of the parent element. We then compare the width of the string with the specified font-face and width of the string with the font-face of the parent element,
if they are different, then the font exists,
otherwise not.
The string which we will use to generate the widths can be anything. But I guess we use ‘m’ or ‘w’ because these two characters take up the maximum width. And we use a trailing ‘l’ so that the same width fonts-faces can get separated based on the width of l character.
/** * JavaScript code to detect available availability of a * particular font in a browser using JavaScript and CSS. * * Author : Lalit Patel * Website: * License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 * * Version: 0.15 * changed comparision font to serif from sans-serif, * as in FF3.0 font of child element didn't fallback * to parent element if the font is missing. * Updated: 09 July 2009 10:52pm * */ /** * Actual function that does all the work. Returns an array with all the info. * This test will fail for the font set as the default serif font. * * Usage: d = new Detector(); * d.test('font_name'); */ var Detector = function(){ var h = document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0]; var d = document.createElement("DIV"); var s = document.createElement("SPAN"); d.appendChild(s); = "sans"; //font for the parent element DIV. = "sans"; //serif font used as a comparator. = "72px"; //we test using 72px font size, we may use any size. I guess larger the better. s.innerHTML = "mmmmmmmmmmlil"; //we use m or w because these two characters take up the maximum width. And we use a L so that the same matching fonts can get separated h.appendChild(d); var defaultWidth = s.offsetWidth; //now we have the defaultWidth var defaultHeight = s.offsetHeight; //and the defaultHeight, we compare other fonts with these. h.removeChild(d); /* test * params: * font - name of the font you wish to detect * return: * f[0] - Input font name. * f[1] - Computed width. * f[2] - Computed height. * f[3] - Detected? (true/false). */ function debug(font) { h.appendChild(d); var f = []; f[0] = = font; // Name of the font f[1] = s.offsetWidth; // Width f[2] = s.offsetHeight; // Height h.removeChild(d); font = font.toLowerCase(); if (font == "serif") { f[3] = true; // to set arial and sans-serif true } else { f[3] = (f[1] != defaultWidth || f[2] != defaultHeight); // Detected? } return f; } function test(font){ f = debug(font); return f[3]; } this.detailedTest = debug; this.test = test; }
<html> <mce:script language='javascript'><!-- /** * JavaScript code to detect available availability of a * particular font in a browser using JavaScript and CSS. * * Author : Lalit Patel * Website: * License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 * * Version: 0.15 * changed comparision font to serif from sans-serif, * as in FF3.0 font of child element didn't fallback * to parent element if the font is missing. * Updated: 09 July 2009 10:52pm * */ /** * Actual function that does all the work. Returns an array with all the info. * This test will fail for the font set as the default serif font. * * Usage: d = new Detector(); * d.test('font_name'); */ var Detector = function(){ var h = document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0]; var d = document.createElement("DIV"); var s = document.createElement("SPAN"); d.appendChild(s); = "sans"; //font for the parent element DIV. = "sans"; //serif font used as a comparator. = "72px"; //we test using 72px font size, we may use any size. I guess larger the better. s.innerHTML = "mmmmmmmmmmlil"; //we use m or w because these two characters take up the maximum width. And we use a L so that the same matching fonts can get separated h.appendChild(d); var defaultWidth = s.offsetWidth; //now we have the defaultWidth var defaultHeight = s.offsetHeight; //and the defaultHeight, we compare other fonts with these. h.removeChild(d); /* test * params: * font - name of the font you wish to detect * return: * f[0] - Input font name. * f[1] - Computed width. * f[2] - Computed height. * f[3] - Detected? (true/false). */ function debug(font) { h.appendChild(d); var f = []; f[0] = = font; // Name of the font f[1] = s.offsetWidth; // Width f[2] = s.offsetHeight; // Height h.removeChild(d); font = font.toLowerCase(); if (font == "serif") { f[3] = true; // to set arial and sans-serif true } else { f[3] = (f[1] != defaultWidth || f[2] != defaultHeight); // Detected? } return f; } function test(font){ f = debug(font); return f[3]; } this.detailedTest = debug; this.test = test; } // --></mce:script> <body> Font Name :<input type="text" id="txtTest"/> <input type="button" id="btnTest" value="Test" Onclick="javascript:var d = new Detector();alert(d.test(document.getElementById('txtTest').value));"/> </body> </html>
This table below shows which fonts are present on envykok's system. (I have listed some of the most common and some uncommon fonts.)
Johan Sundström has presented this data in a more interesting and cool layout here. Thanks Johan!
Font Name | Width | Height | Detected? |
cursive | 558 | 74 | true |
monospace | 473 | 77 | true |
serif | 631 | 72 | true |
sans-serif | 606 | 81 | true |
fantasy | 383 | 82 | true |
default | 631 | 72 | false |
Arial | 606 | 81 | true |
Arial Black | 744 | 101 | true |
Arial Narrow | 503 | 83 | true |
Arial Rounded MT Bold | 631 | 72 | false |
Bookman Old Style | 702 | 84 | true |
Bradley Hand ITC | 642 | 90 | true |
Century | 663 | 87 | true |
Century Gothic | 685 | 87 | true |
Comic Sans MS | 580 | 101 | true |
Courier | 440 | 65 | true |
Courier New | 473 | 77 | true |
Georgia | 651 | 82 | true |
Gentium | 631 | 72 | false |
Impact | 580 | 87 | true |
King | 631 | 72 | false |
Lucida Console | 473 | 72 | true |
Lalit | 631 | 72 | false |
Modena | 631 | 72 | false |
Monotype Corsiva | 467 | 85 | true |
Papyrus | 464 | 114 | true |
Tahoma | 616 | 87 | true |
TeX | 631 | 72 | false |
Times | 570 | 81 | true |
Times New Roman | 570 | 81 | true |
Trebuchet MS | 621 | 90 | true |
Verdana | 721 | 86 | true |
Verona | 631 | 72 | false |