2.选择选项卡“表”,选择“Orders” 表, 右边会出现

create procedure sp_Orders_ins
@OrderID int,
@CustomerID nchar(5),
@EmployeeID int,
@OrderDate datetime,
@RequiredDate datetime,
@ShippedDate datetime,
@ShipVia int,
@Freight money,
@ShipName nvarchar(40),
@ShipAddress nvarchar(60),
@ShipCity nvarchar(15),
@ShipRegion nvarchar(15),
@ShipPostalCode nvarchar(10),
@ShipCountry nvarchar(15)
if exists(select * from [Orders] where )
update [Orders] set
insert into [Orders]([OrderID],[CustomerID],[EmployeeID],[OrderDate],[RequiredDate],[ShippedDate],[ShipVia],[Freight],[ShipName],[ShipAddress],[ShipCity],[ShipRegion],[ShipPostalCode],[ShipCountry])

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data;
namespace DAL
public class Orders
public int _OrderID;
public string _CustomerID;
public int? _EmployeeID;
public DateTime? _OrderDate;
public DateTime? _RequiredDate;
public DateTime? _ShippedDate;
public int? _ShipVia;
public decimal? _Freight;
public string _ShipName;
public string _ShipAddress;
public string _ShipCity;
public string _ShipRegion;
public string _ShipPostalCode;
public string _ShipCountry;
#region 属性
public int OrderID
get { return _OrderID; }
set { _OrderID = value; }
public string CustomerID
get { return _CustomerID; }
set { _CustomerID = value; }
public int? EmployeeID
get { return _EmployeeID; }
set { _EmployeeID = value; }
public DateTime? OrderDate
get { return _OrderDate; }
set { _OrderDate = value; }
public DateTime? RequiredDate
get { return _RequiredDate; }
set { _RequiredDate = value; }
public DateTime? ShippedDate
get { return _ShippedDate; }
set { _ShippedDate = value; }
public int? ShipVia
get { return _ShipVia; }
set { _ShipVia = value; }
public decimal? Freight
get { return _Freight; }
set { _Freight = value; }
public string ShipName
get { return _ShipName; }
set { _ShipName = value; }
public string ShipAddress
get { return _ShipAddress; }
set { _ShipAddress = value; }
public string ShipCity
get { return _ShipCity; }
set { _ShipCity = value; }
public string ShipRegion
get { return _ShipRegion; }
set { _ShipRegion = value; }
public string ShipPostalCode
get { return _ShipPostalCode; }
set { _ShipPostalCode = value; }
public string ShipCountry
get { return _ShipCountry; }
set { _ShipCountry = value; }
public Orders()
public Orders(IDataReader dr)
#region 初始化
if(dr["OrderID"] != DBNull.Value)
_OrderID = (int)dr["OrderID"];
if(dr["CustomerID"] != DBNull.Value)
_CustomerID = (string)dr["CustomerID"];
if(dr["EmployeeID"] != DBNull.Value)
_EmployeeID = (int?)dr["EmployeeID"];
if(dr["OrderDate"] != DBNull.Value)
_OrderDate = (DateTime?)dr["OrderDate"];
if(dr["RequiredDate"] != DBNull.Value)
_RequiredDate = (DateTime?)dr["RequiredDate"];
if(dr["ShippedDate"] != DBNull.Value)
_ShippedDate = (DateTime?)dr["ShippedDate"];
if(dr["ShipVia"] != DBNull.Value)
_ShipVia = (int?)dr["ShipVia"];
if(dr["Freight"] != DBNull.Value)
_Freight = (decimal?)dr["Freight"];
if(dr["ShipName"] != DBNull.Value)
_ShipName = (string)dr["ShipName"];
if(dr["ShipAddress"] != DBNull.Value)
_ShipAddress = (string)dr["ShipAddress"];
if(dr["ShipCity"] != DBNull.Value)
_ShipCity = (string)dr["ShipCity"];
if(dr["ShipRegion"] != DBNull.Value)
_ShipRegion = (string)dr["ShipRegion"];
if(dr["ShipPostalCode"] != DBNull.Value)
_ShipPostalCode = (string)dr["ShipPostalCode"];
if(dr["ShipCountry"] != DBNull.Value)
_ShipCountry = (string)dr["ShipCountry"];
public static int Insert(Orders a)
return 0;
public static IDataReader Select()
return null;
public static IEnumerable<Orders> Each(IDataReader dr)
while(dr.Read()) { yield return new Orders(dr); } dr.Close();
public static Orders First(IDataReader dr)
Orders ret = null; if (dr.Read()) { ret = new Orders(dr); } dr.Close(); return ret;
3.选择选项卡“存储过程”,选择“Ten Most Expensive Products” 存储过程,右边会出现

create procedure "Ten Most Expensive Products" AS
SELECT Products.ProductName AS TenMostExpensiveProducts, Products.UnitPrice
FROM Products
ORDER BY Products.UnitPrice DESC

public static IDataReader Ten Most Expensive Products()
IDataReader dr;
Database db = new Database();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetStoredProcCommand("Ten Most Expensive Products");
dr = db.ExecuteReader(cmd);
return dr;
4.选择选项卡“视图”,选择“Customer and Suppliers by City”视图,

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data;
namespace DAL
public class Customer and Suppliers by City
public string _City;
public string _CompanyName;
public string _ContactName;
public string _Relationship;
#region 属性
public string City
get { return _City; }
set { _City = value; }
public string CompanyName
get { return _CompanyName; }
set { _CompanyName = value; }
public string ContactName
get { return _ContactName; }
set { _ContactName = value; }
public string Relationship
get { return _Relationship; }
set { _Relationship = value; }
public Customer and Suppliers by City()
public Customer and Suppliers by City(IDataReader dr)
#region 初始化
if(dr["City"] != DBNull.Value)
_City = (string)dr["City"];
if(dr["CompanyName"] != DBNull.Value)
_CompanyName = (string)dr["CompanyName"];
if(dr["ContactName"] != DBNull.Value)
_ContactName = (string)dr["ContactName"];
if(dr["Relationship"] != DBNull.Value)
_Relationship = (string)dr["Relationship"];
public static int Insert(Customer and Suppliers by City a)
return 0;
public static IDataReader Select()
return null;
public static IEnumerable<Customer and Suppliers by City> Each(IDataReader dr)
while(dr.Read()) { yield return new Customer and Suppliers by City(dr); } dr.Close();
public static Customer and Suppliers by City First(IDataReader dr)
Customer and Suppliers by City ret = null; if (dr.Read()) { ret = new Customer and Suppliers by City(dr); } dr.Close(); return ret;
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