时间:2010-08-22 来源:菜刀大侠
《illustrate c#2008》:
Inheritance allows you to define a new class that incorporates and extends an already declared class.
• You can use an existing class, called the base class, as the basis for a new class, called the
derived class. The members of the derived class consist of the following:
– The members in its own declaration
– The members of the base class
• To declare a derived class, you add a class-base specification after the class name. The class-base specification consists of a colon, followed by the name of the class to be used as the base class. The derived class is said to directly inherit from the base class listed.
为了声明一个派生类,你加入一个基类的"specification”在类名字的后头。这个基类的"specification”其实一点也不神秘,它由一个“结肠”,并且followed by 类的名字,这个类的名字说穿了就是基类。“结肠”?也就是冒号。
• A derived class is said to extend its base class, because it includes the members of the base class plus any additional functionality provided in its own declaration.
• A derived class cannot delete any of the members it has inherited.
For example, the following shows the declaration of a class called OtherClass, which is derived from a class called SomeClass:
Class-base specification
class OtherClass : SomeClass
{ ↑ ↑
... Colon Base class
这个图可以看出,先前的Class-base specification他妈的就是 “: SomeClass” ,由大肠Colon+基类Base class组成。