Spring.net 网络示例 codeproject
时间:2010-08-21 来源:吴X
Developing software applications is hard enough even with good tools and technologies. It is said by Spring.NET developers that Spring provides a lightweight solution for building enterprise-ready applications. Spring provides a consistent and transparent means to configure your application and integrate Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) into your software. Highlights of Spring's functionality are providing declarative transaction management for your middle tier as well as a full-featured ASP.NET Framework.
According to them, Spring.NET is an application Framework that provides comprehensive infrastructural support for developing enterprise .NET applications. It allows you to remove incidental complexity when using the base class libraries which makes best practices, such as test driven development, easy practices. Spring.NET is created, supported and sustained by SpringSource.
Environment Setup
First download Spring.NET from Sourceforge Spring.NET download page. While writing this article, the latest version was 1.1. Install it at default location.
The ASP.NET Web Site
To start with Spring.NET, let us create a new Web site. We have a Default.aspx page. Now we need to create sections in Web.Config files.

<configuration> <configSections> <!-- Spring --> <sectionGroup name="spring"> <section name="context" type="Spring.Context.Support.WebContextHandler, Spring.Web"/> <section name="objects" type="Spring.Context.Support.DefaultSectionHandler, Spring.Core"/> <section name="parsers" type="Spring.Context.Support.NamespaceParsersSectionHandler, Spring.Core"/> </sectionGroup> </configSections> <!-- Spring --> <spring> <parsers> </parsers> <context> <resource uri="config://spring/objects"/> </context> <objects xmlns="http://www.springframework.net" xmlns:db="http://www.springframework.net/database"> <!-- Pages --> <object type="Default.aspx"> </object> </objects> </spring> <sysyem.web> <httpHandlers> <!-- Spring Handler --> <add verb="*" path="*.aspx" type="Spring.Web.Support.PageHandlerFactory, Spring.Web"/> </httpHandlers> <httpModules> <add name="SpringModule" type="Spring.Context.Support.WebSupportModule, Spring.Web"/> </httpModules> </sysyem.web> </configuration>
We have now added a new HTTP handler for *.aspx pages that is a Spring.NET provided handler. Now Spring.NET manages all our ASP.NET pages. We'll be able to use Spring.NET features for the ASP.NET pages after this configuration.
Now we have to add a reference to the site. We need a reference to Spring.Core and Spring.Web assembly located in the Spring.NET installation folder. We can now run the application to see our page. We'll go to the next step if everything is OK.
Dependency Injection
DI is a very interesting thing. You can make your design totally decoupled with concrete implementations. To see this in effect, let us create a new string type property in our page's code named Message with a private variable message. And in the Page_Load method, add the following line:

Here we do not set the value of the message variable. We'll set it through the Web.Config file. We now change the object definition for Default.aspx:

<object type="Default.aspx"> <property name="Message" value="Hello from Web.Config"/> </object>
Now we have supplied a value outside of the page using the configuration file. We have set a string type value here. We can also set an object type value. To do that, let us define a class Math with one method:

public class Math { public int add(int x, int y) { return x+y; } }
Now let us add a new property Math in the Default.aspx code file like we did for message. In the Page_Load method, we add code:

Response.Write(math.add(30, 50));
In Web.Config we now add new object definition just above object for Default.aspx. So our spring section becomes:

<spring> <parsers> </parsers> <context> <resource uri="config://spring/objects"/> </context> <objects xmlns=http://www.springframework.net xmlns:db="http://www.springframework.net/database"> <object name="MyMathObj" type="Math, App_code" /> <!-- Pages --> <object type="Default.aspx"> <property name="Message" value="Hello from Web.Config"/> <property name="Math" ref="MyMathObj"/> </object> </objects> </spring>
Working with Data
Now we want to deal with data. To deal with data, Spring.NET natively provides NHibernate and ADO.NET support. Here we use NHibernate - as it handles all dirty things about database and lets us work in the object world only. In the Spring.NET installation folder in /bin and in /lib directory, we have the required NHibernate binaries. Here I use NHibernate 1.2 assemblies. For hibernate we define a table in the database named person, create a new class named Person and a NHibernate mapping file (Person.hbm.xml):
The Person Table
Column | Type | Modifiers |
Id | Number | not null, primary key |
VersionNumber | Number | - |
Name | nvarchar(16) | not null |
The Person Class

public class Person { private long id; private string name; private int versionNumber; //These methods should be virtual for NHibernate Mapping public virtual long Id { get { return id; } set { id = value; } } public virtual int VersionNumber { get { return versionNumber; } set { versionNumber = value; } } public virtual string Name { get { return name; } set { name = value; } } }
The NHibernate Mapping File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" namespace="CodeProject.DAO" assembly=""CodeProject.DAO"> <class name="Person" table="Person"> <id name="Id"> <column name="Id" not-null="true"/> <generator class="increment"/> </id> <version column="VersionNumber" name="VersionNumber" /> <property name="Name"> <column name="Name" length="16" not-null="true" /> </property> </class> </hibernate-mapping>
Please note that the mapping file should have the extension .hbm.xml and should be set to Embedded Resource for Build Action property of the file.
The BaseDAO Class
We want a base class that implements basic functionality of database like LoadALL, SaveOrUpdate etc. We define an Interface and implement that for our use:

public interface IBaseDAO<EntityT, idT> { IList LoadAll(); EntityT LoadByID(idT id); IList Load(string hsqlQuery, object[] values); void Save(EntityT fine); void SaveOrUpdate(EntityT fine); NHibernate.ISessionFactory SessionFactory { set; } } public abstract class BaseDAO<EntityT, idT>: IBaseDAO<EntityT, idT> { protected HibernateTemplate hibernateTemplate; public ISessionFactory SessionFactory { set { hibernateTemplate = new HibernateTemplate(value); hibernateTemplate.TemplateFlushMode = TemplateFlushMode.Auto; } } public BaseDAO() { } public virtual EntityT LoadByID(idT id) { EntityT entity = (EntityT)hibernateTemplate.Load(typeof(EntityT), id); return entity; } public virtual IList LoadAll() { return hibernateTemplate.LoadAll(typeof(EntityT)); } public virtual IList Load(string hsqlQuery, object[] values) { return hibernateTemplate.Find(hsqlQuery, values); } public virtual void Save(EntityT fine) { hibernateTemplate.Save(fine); } public virtual void SaveOrUpdate(EntityT fine) { hibernateTemplate.SaveOrUpdate(fine); } }
The PersonDAO Class
This class is inherited from BaseDAO that is responsible for the Person class's load/save operation:

public interface IPersonDAO : IBaseDAO<Person, long> { } public class PersonDAO : BaseDAO<Person, long>, IPersonDAO { }
Please note that this time we define the class with Person type for Object type and use long for Id type.
Using the PersonDAO Object
Now we add a new property to Default.aspx code file named personDAO. Please note here that you must use the interface of DAO class here.

IPersonDAO personDAO; public IPersonDAO PersonDAO { get{return personDAO;} set{personDAO=value;} }
And add the following line in the Page_Load method:

Person p = new Person(); p.Name = "Maruf"; personDAO.Save(p); Person p1 = personDAO.LoadByID(1);
You may do whatever you want with the Person object you get.
Configuration for NHibernate
Now we need some configuration work in Web.Config file.

<?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <configSections> <!-- Spring --> <sectionGroup name="spring"> <section name="context" type="Spring.Context.Support.WebContextHandler, Spring.Web"/> <section name="objects" type="Spring.Context.Support.DefaultSectionHandler, Spring.Core"/> <section name="parsers" type="Spring.Context.Support.NamespaceParsersSectionHandler, Spring.Core"/> </sectionGroup> </configSections> <!-- Spring --> <spring> <parsers> <parser type="Spring.Data.Config.DatabaseNamespaceParser, Spring.Data"/> </parsers> <context> <resource uri="config://spring/objects"/> </context> <objects xmlns=http://www.springframework.net xmlns:db="http://www.springframework.net/database"> <db:provider id="DbProviderMySQL" provider="MySql" connectionString="Server=localhost;....;"/> <object type="Spring.Objects.Factory.Config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer, Spring.Core"> <property name="ConfigSections" value="databaseSettings"/> </object> <object id="SessionFactory" type="Spring.Data.NHibernate.LocalSessionFactoryObject, Spring.Data.NHibernate12"> <property name="DbProvider" ref="DbProviderMySQL"/> <property name="MappingAssemblies"> <list> <value>CodeProject.DAO</value> </list> </property> <property name="HibernateProperties"> <dictionary> <entry key="hibernate.connection.provider" value="NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider"/> <entry key="hibernate.dialect" value="NHibernate.Dialect.MySQLDialect"/> <entry key="hibernate.connection.driver_class" value="NHibernate.Driver.MySqlDataDriver"/> </dictionary> </property> </object> <object name="MyMathObj" type="Math, App_code" /> <object id="PersonDAO" type="CodeProject.DAO.PersonDAO, CodeProject.DAO"> <property name="SessionFactory" ref="SessionFactory"/> </object> <!-- Pages --> <object type="Default.aspx"> <property name="Message" value="Hello from Web.Config"/> <property name="Math" ref="MyMathObj"/> <property name="PersonDAO" ref="PersonDAO"/> </object> </objects> </spring> <appSettings/> <connectionStrings/> <system.web> <compilation debug="true"/> <authentication mode="Windows"/> <httpHandlers> <!-- Spring Handler --> <add verb="*" path="*.aspx" type="Spring.Web.Support.PageHandlerFactory, Spring.Web"/> </httpHandlers> <httpModules> <add name="SpringModule" type="Spring.Context.Support.WebSupportModule, Spring.Web"/> <!-- Required for managing NHibernate session between http requests--> <add name="OpenSessionInView" type="Spring.Data.NHibernate.Support.OpenSessionInViewModule, Spring.Data.NHibernate12"/> </httpModules> </system.web> </configuration>
Declarative Transaction Management
It keeps transaction management out of business logic, and is not difficult to configure in Spring. We want our certain operation be under transaction. We do not need to manage that in code. We simply configure that from Web.Config file. Let us assume we want Save, SaveOrUpdate, Delete, Query etc. method in PersonDAO to be in atomic database operation and rollback entire operation on any exception. We create PersonDAOTx object in our config file and set it to the Deafult.aspx pages' PersonDAO property.

<!-- TxManager --> <object id="HibernateTransactionManager" type="Spring.Data.NHibernate.HibernateTransactionManager, Spring.Data.NHibernate12"> <property name="DbProvider" ref="DbProviderMySQL"/> <property name="SessionFactory" ref="SessionFactory"/> </object> <object id="PersonDAOTx" type="Spring.Transaction.Interceptor.TransactionProxyFactoryObject, Spring.Data"> <property name="PlatformTransactionManager" ref="HibernateTransactionManager"/> <property name="Target" ref="PersonDAO"/> <property name="TransactionAttributes"> <name-values> <add key="Save*" value="PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW"/> <add key="SaveO*" value="PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW"/> <add key="Delete*" value="PROPAGATION_REQUIRED"/> <add key="Update*" value="PROPAGATION_REQUIRED"/> <add key="Query*" value="PROPAGATION_REQUIRED"/> </name-values> </property> </object> <!-- Pages --> <object type="Default.aspx"> <property name="Message" value="Hello from Web.Config"/> <property name="Math" ref="MyMathObj"/> <property name="PersonDAO" ref="PersonDAOTx"/> </object>
Please note that we can use a new transaction or an inherited transaction from the caller. While using inherited transaction, a new transaction is automatically created if none exists from the caller.
Web Service
Spring introduces very flexible Web service support. It can export any class that implements a public interface. WebService attribute is not required at all. Let us define a plain interface and implement it in a plain class:

public interface IFirstService { string GetMessage(); } public class FirstService : IFirstService { private string message; public string Message { get { return message; } set { message = value; } } public string GetMessage() { return message; } }
That's it. We can now export this class by just adding a few lines in the Web.Config file. We can also inject its dependency (the Message property) from web.config. Please note the new httpHandlers entry to handle.asmx page.

<object id="FirstServiceImpl" type="CodeProject.DAO.FirstService, CodeProject.DAO"> <property name="Message" value="Test Message" /> </object> <!--Web Services--> <object id="FirstService" type="Spring.Web.Services.WebServiceExporter, Spring.Web"> <property name="TargetName" value="FirstServiceImpl"/> <property name="Namespace" value="http://myCompany/services"/> <property name="Description" value="My First web service"/> </object> <system.web> <httpHandlers> <!-- Spring --> <add verb="*" path="*.aspx" type="Spring.Web.Support.PageHandlerFactory, Spring.Web"/> <add verb="*" path="*.asmx" type="Spring.Web.Services.WebServiceHandlerFactory, Spring.Web"/> </httpHandlers> </system.web>
That's it. We can access the service at /FirstService.asmx path.
By now we can create ASPX pages, Web services without [WebService] attribute from virtually any class, inject dependency from configuration file - making the application highly configurable, work with database and totally separate the transaction management from business logic. I expect it will help to quickstart using Spring.NET and develop a scalable application. For beginners, when you use Spring.NET for the first time you'll be surprised how much it helps by reducing most of the redundant work. Please excuse for language - my first language is Bangla. I'll be happy to hear from you.