About the web access for VMware VC & ESX
时间:2010-08-20 来源:hiyangyong
We have a requirement today for the help of starting web access.
E.g. we have VC IP and ESX, we want to use and to manager VC & ESX instead of via vSphere client. In this case, we don't have to install client then.
However he found the url and failed and asked me for help.
I checked the VC and ESX, and found we need to start the service of web access for each component:
In VC, check tomcat6 in the process monitor and if not exist, please check the service "VMware VirtualCenter Management Webservices" in Computer admin- service.
In ESX, check ps -ef|grep webAccess and if not exist, start the service by
#/etc/init.d/vmware-webAccess start
Now you can use browser to manager the VC & ESX servers.
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