Oracle MYSQL DB2 sql分页
Oracle , MYSQL , DB2 , sql , pagination
- select * from (select rownum,name from user_tables where rownum <= endIndex)
- where rownum > startIndex
- select * from (select rownum,name from user_tables order by orderstr) where rownum <= endIndex
- and rownum > startIndex
- select * from table where whereclause order by orderstr limit start,pageNum
使用rownumber over和fetch first rows only
- select * from (select syscat.indexes.*, rownumber() over() rownum from syscat.indexes where owner='DB2INST1' order by indname desc fetch first 100 rows only) where rownum < 20 and rownum >= 15
- DB2INST1 SQL 100805143603630 DB2INST1 15
- DB2INST1 SQL100805143558190 DB2INST1 16
- DB2INST1 SQL100805143558150 DB2INST1 17
- DB2INST1 SQL100805143558100 DB2INST1 18
- DB2INST1 SQL100805143557870 DB2INST1 19
iBatis自动生成的主键 返回主键 (Oracle,Sql Server,Mysql)
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请教一个oracle sql查询 (谢谢回答)
Oracle SQL语法速查.chm
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