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php爱好者> php文档>Firdbird数据库子查询(包含比例)


时间:2010-08-18  来源:08信工实训

 string SJ = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
            string str =string.Format(@"select first 1
           (select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters where FillTime='{0}') as a,
             (select case (select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters where  FillTime='{1}')
            when 0 then 0 else((select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters where  FillTime='{2}')*100.0 / count(*))
            end  from OfficialCaseRegisters where  FillTime='{3}') as b,
            (select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters  where PostName='正处' and FillTime='{4}') as c,
             (select case (select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters where PostName='正处' and FillTime='{5}')
            when 0 then 0 else((select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters where  PostName='正处' and FillTime='{6}')*100.0 / count(*))
            end  from OfficialCaseRegisters where  FillTime='{7}') as d,
              (select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters  where  PostName='副处' and FillTime='{8}') as e,
             (select case (select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters where  PostName='副处' and FillTime='{9}')
            when 0 then 0 else((select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters where  PostName='副处' and FillTime='{10}')*100.0 / count(*))
            end  from OfficialCaseRegisters where FillTime='{11}') as f,
            (select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters  where  PostName='正科' and  FillTime='{12}') as g,
             (select case (select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters where  PostName='正科' and  FillTime='{13}')
            when 0 then 0 else((select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters where  PostName='正科' and  FillTime='{14}')*100.0 / count(*))
            end  from OfficialCaseRegisters where  FillTime='{15}') as h,
             (select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters  where  PostName='副科' and  FillTime='{16}') as j,
             (select case (select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters where  PostName='副科' and  FillTime='{17}')
            when 0 then 0 else((select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters where  PostName='副科' and FillTime='{18}')*100.0 / count(*))
            end  from OfficialCaseRegisters where FillTime='{19}') as k,
            (select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters  where  PostName='科办员' and FillTime='{20}') as l,
             (select case (select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters where  PostName='科办员' and  FillTime='{21}')
            when 0 then 0 else((select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters where  PostName='科办员' and  FillTime='{22}')*100.0 / count(*))
            end  from OfficialCaseRegisters where  FillTime='{23}') as z,
             (select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters  where  PostName='试用期人员' and  FillTime='{24}') as x,
             (select case (select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters where  PostName='试用期人员' and FillTime='{25}')
            when 0 then 0 else((select count(*) from OfficialCaseRegisters where  PostName='试用期人员' and FillTime='{26}')*100.0 / count(*))
            end  from OfficialCaseRegisters where  FillTime='{27}') as v
            from OfficialCaseRegisters ", SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ, SJ);


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