Paypal 开发(一)
时间:2010-07-29 来源:F.U.Moon
1.第一种使用ExpressCheckout的API(三个API搞定:SetExpressCheckout, GetExpressCheckoutDetails, DoExpressCheckoutPayment).针对有Paypal账号的付款用户。
2.第二种使用 DirectPayment的API(使用:DoDirectPayment ).针对用信用卡(VISA等卡片)进行付款到Paypal商家。)
1) Use API Express Checkout(Paypal user)
how it works?
1.Your customer chooses to pay with PayPal by entering their email address and PayPal password, without leaving your website.
2.Your customer makes the payment using PayPal.
3.The payment information is sent to PayPal using PayPal Express Checkout API operations.
4.The funds from the transaction are sent to your PayPal account.
Some useful information:
1) about the token
Typically,the API operation that sets up a redirection to PayPal returns atoken,
which is passed as a parameter in the redirect to PayPal.The token also may be required in related API operations.
2) about the API Credentials
To use the PayPal API, you must have API credentialsthat identify you as a PayPal business account holder authorizedto perform various API operations.
Although you can use either an API signature or a certificatefor credentials, PayPal recommends you use a signature.
You can use either a signature or acertificate; however, you cannot use a signature and a certificateat the same time.
2) Website payments pro(Paypal user(Use API Express Checkout) or use credit card directly(Use API Direct Payments))
PayPal's Website Payments Pro lets you accept
both credit cards and PayPal payments directly on your website. It consists of two API-based solutions: Direct Payment and Express Checkout.
Direct Payment lets you accept credit cards on your website. Your customers do not need a PayPal account to pay.
how it works?
1.Your customer pays on your website with their credit card.
2.The payment information is sent to PayPal using the PayPal DoDirectPayment API operation.
3.PayPal processes the payment information.
4.The funds from the transaction are sent to your PayPal account.
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