时间:2010-07-28 来源:chenye2865
C/C++ code
C/C++ code
#include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <asm/unistd.h> #include <linux/sched.h> unsigned long *sys_call_table = NULL; static unsigned int origcr0 = 0; asmlinkage int (*orig_mkdir)(const char*,int mode); unsigned long orig_mkdir_address = 0; struct idt_tag { unsigned short offset_low,segment_select; unsigned char reserved,flags; unsigned short offset_high; }; unsigned int clear_and_return_origCR0(void) { unsigned int cr0 = 0; unsigned int ret = -1; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movl %%cr0,%%eax" :"=a"(cr0) ); ret = cr0; cr0 = cr0 & 0xfffeffff; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movl %%eax,%%cr0" ::"a"(cr0) ); return ret; } void setbackCR0(unsigned int pCR0) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movl %%eax,%%cr0" ::"a"(pCR0) ); } static unsigned long getSyscallTable(void) { unsigned char idtr[6],*shell,*sort; struct idt_tag *idt; unsigned long system_call,sct; unsigned short offset_low,offset_high; char *p; int i; __asm__("sidt %0":"=m"(idtr)); idt = (struct idt_tag*)((*(unsigned long*)&idtr[2]) + 8 * 0x80); offset_low = idt->offset_low; offset_high = idt->offset_high; system_call = (offset_high)<<16 | offset_low; shell = (char*)system_call; sort = "\xff\x14\x85"; for(i = 0;i < 100-2;i++) if(shell [ i ] == sort[0] && shell[i+1] == sort[1] && shell[i+2] == sort[2]) break; p = &shell [ i ] + 3; sct = *(unsigned long*)p; return sct; } asmlinkage int hack_mkdir(const char* pathname,int mode) { printk("called sys_mkdir,but gain nothing,hei hei!!\n"); return 0; } static int __init myinit(void) { printk("<1>: ********************Just enter the myinit()...\n"); sys_call_table = (unsigned long*)getSyscallTable(); printk("<1>: ********************Just after calling getSyscallTable()...\n"); orig_mkdir_address = sys_call_table[__NR_mkdir]; printk("<1>: ***************Just get the orig_mkdir = %lux\n",orig_mkdir_address); origcr0 = clear_and_return_origCR0(); sys_call_table[__NR_mkdir] = (unsigned long)hack_mkdir; printk("<1>: ***************Just change the syscall....\n"); return 0; } static void __exit myexit(void) { sys_call_table[__NR_mkdir] = orig_mkdir_address; setbackCR0(origcr0); } module_init(myinit); module_exit(myexit);
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