Learning javascript OOP III
时间:2010-07-17 来源:handy-wang
1) 进一步讨论定义在构造器内部的public method 与 定义在prototype上的public method.
Person = (function() { return function() { // Private instance methods var name = "handy"; var age = "18"; // Public instance methods this.getInfo = function() { return name + " had been " + age + " years old."; }; } })();
上面的这种方式就是定义在构造器内部的public method. 这种方式对于JAVA, Objective-C 等纯面向对象语言的developers来说很习惯, 但是它有一个不好的地方就是当new多个Person实例时, 会在内存中创建多个getInfo这个function的实例,尤其当getInfo这个function做的是一些复杂逻辑、代码量大的时候,相应占的 内存就是一个function的N倍。于是引出了另一种定义public method的方式。如下:
Person = (function() { return function() { // Private instance methods var name = "handy"; var age = 18; } })(); Person.prototype = { getInfo : function() { // It's wrong. Can't access name and age variable, because of scope. return name + " had been " + age + " years old."; } };
这种方式的好处就是当在new多个Person实例时, getInfo只会在内存中创建一份。不好的地方就是不能访问私有成员。只能通过调用public method来访问私有成员,再对私有成员进行操作。如下:
Person = (function() { return function() { // Private instance methods var name = "handy"; var age = 18; this.getName() { return name; } this.getAge() { return age; } } })(); Person.prototype = { getInfo : function() { return this.getName() + " had been " + this.getAge() + " years old."; } };
所以,个人体会是:如果一个public method做的事少,代码量小,可以放到构造器内部定义,这样代码要整洁一些;如果public method做的事多且代码量大,那么最好还是定义到prototype里。
最后,还有一种方式来代替在构造器里定义操作数据的method.当然这种method就不是public的了,它是private static 里。如下:
Person = (function() { // Assume these functions do complex logics and huge codes. var operations = { getInfo : function(name, age) { return name + " had been " + age + " years old."; } }; return function() { // Private instance methods var name = null; var age = 0; this.getName() { return name; } this.getAge() { return age; } this.getDetail() { return getInfo(name, age); } } })();
2) this的小论。
i) 在一个不属于任何类的functioin中访问this,此时this表示window。如下validityCheck方法:
Person = (function() { // Assume these functions do complex logics and huge codes. var operations = { getInfo : function(name, age) { return name + " had been " + age + " years old."; } }; return function() { // Private instance methods var name = null; var age = 0; this.getName() { return name; } this.getAge() { return age; } this.getDetail() { return getInfo(name, age); } function validityCheck() { // Do some check jobs. alert(this.toString()); } } })();
ii) 在构造器里访问this时,this表示的是类的实例。如下所有的get方法:
Person = (function() { // Assume these functions do complex logics and huge codes. var operations = { getInfo : function(name, age) { return name + " had been " + age + " years old."; } }; return function() { // Private instance methods var name = null; var age = 0; this.getName() { return name; } this.getAge() { return age; } this.getDetail() { return getInfo(name, age); } } })(); 所以这些get方法可以通过实例访问到也就是public method.