浅析Oracle10g新进程 MMON 和 MMNL的作用
时间:2010-06-17 来源:gflei
MMON 应该是 Memory Monitor 的缩写,但是在有的文档中被记录为Manageability Monitor ,这应当是10g早期版本中的称呼,只不过后来发生了变更。
The memory monitor (MMON) process was introduced in 10g and is associated with the Automatic Workload Repository new features used for automatic problem detection and self-tuning. MMON writes out the required statistics for AWR on a scheduled basis.
另外一个进程是 MMNL ,是 Memory Monitor Light (MMNL) 的缩写,在部分文档中记录为 Manageability Monitor Light .
The Memory Monitor Light (MMNL) process is a new process in 10g which works with the Automatic Workload Repository new features (AWR) to write out full statistics buffers to disk as needed.