#include <stdio.h> // standard library [std = standard io =
// input / output ]
#include <iostream>// standard io stream [input output stream]
#include <conio.h>// console input / output con io
#include <windows.h>// windows [operating system] functions for
// drawing text
#include <math.h>// used for math support.
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
HANDLE OutputH; // Used by the operating system to access
// the console window
// [like a handle to hold
// onto something]
COORD position; // This is to hold the X position,
// and Y position
// (column and row) of the
// text on the screen.
// setup - here we get a handle to the screen for output.
OutputH = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
while (!kbhit()) // this loops until a key is pressed
// calculate a random position to draw our text.
// rand()%79 gives us a range 0-78.
// We want 1-79; so we add one.
// Similar for Y
// %2 is a good test for even or odd.
// So we do light green or dark green
// depending if the random
// number is even or odd [half the time]
if (rand()%2==0)
SetConsoleTextAttribute(OutputH, 2);// Dark Green
SetConsoleTextAttribute(OutputH,10);// Light Green
// here we use our handle to
// the screen as our "all access pass" to tell
// the OS where we want our text to show up.
// again - testing for even or odd.
if (rand()%2==0)
cout << "0"; //even
cout << "1"; // odd
// here we would place any tear down code or ending credits.
// For now, well... we don't have any =:-)
return 0;