字符串模式识别:请使用C语言实现 strstr
时间:2010-06-08 来源:sinodragon21
String Pattern Matching: Write a function that checks for a given pattern at the end of a given string
In other words, Write a function, a variant of strstr that takes in 2 strings str1 and str2 and returns true if str2 occurs at the end of the string str1, and false otherwise.
bool str_str_end(char * str1, char * str2)
// Store the base pointers of both strings
char* beginStr1 = str1;
char* beingStr2 = str2;
// Move to the end of the strings
for(; *str1 == *str2; str1--, Str2--)
If( str2 == beginStr2
|| str1 == beingStr1)
return If(*str1 == *str2
&& str2 == beginStr2
&& *str1 != 0);
Save the base addresses of the strings and then traverse to the end of the stings. To check if the string str2 occurs at the end of the string str1, start comparing characters from the end of the strings and move backwards. The function returns true when
- All the characters in str1 match all the characters in str2 from the end.
- The pointer str2 reaches back at the beginning of the string, which means there is nothing more to be compared
- The strings are not empty.
The above conditions are required so that the loops do not run in an infinite loop.
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