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mysql 数据库逆向工程到visio(zz)

时间:2010-05-24  来源:sss0213

Sometimes we need to reverse engineer our database. Microsoft Visio has an option for reverse engineering. But by default it does not support MySQL or in other words you cannot reverse engineer a MySQL database. I have faced this problem and got the solution and sharing here with you.

The steps involved in this process are described below:

  1. Download the latest MySQL ODBC connector from MySQL site. You may find it here http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/odbc/5.1.html.
  2. After downloading install the connector.
  3. Now open Microsoft Visio and open Database Model Diagram template (you may find it under Software and Database group).
  4. From Database menu click on Reverse Engineer. You will see the Reverse Engineer wizard.
  5. Click on the New button.
  6. Select System Data Source.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select MySQL ODBC driver from the list.
  9. Click Next and then Finish. MySQL Connector/ODBC Data Source Configuration window will open.
  10. Give a name to the datasouce, database server host, user name, password and select the database you want to reverse engineer. Remember, the list of database will be shown if you have provided correct information.
  11. Click on Ok. Now you will find the data source in Data Source list.
  12. Select the newly created data source and click Next. The regular wizard for reverse engineering will start.
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