Extending the Database: PL/pgSQL
时间:2010-01-23 来源:admin126com
Extending the Database: PL/pgSQL
* PostgreSQL offers two interpreted languages in which one can write SQL functions: PL/pgSQL and PL/tcl. More can be added by the user by coding the appropriate stub.
* PL/pgSQL Example:
As user postgres:
test=> CREATE FUNCTION plpgsql_call_handler () test-> RETURNS OPAQUE test-> AS '/usr/lib/pgsql/plpgsql.so' test-> LANGUAGE 'c' \g CREATE test=> test=> CREATE TRUSTED PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' test-> HANDLER plpgsql_call_handler test-> LANCOMPILER 'PL/pgSQL' \g CREATE
As user shlomi:
test=> CREATE FUNCTION num_descendants (int4) test-> RETURNS int4 AS test-> ' test'> DECLARE test'> key ALIAS for $1; test'> num int4; test'> child RECORD; test'> BEGIN test'> num := 0; test'> FOR child IN SELECT c FROM par_kids WHERE p = key LOOP test'> num := num + 1 + num_descendants(child.c); test'> END LOOP; test'> RETURN num; test'> END; test'> ' test-> LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' \g CREATE test=> SELECT num_descendants(1) \g num_descendants --------------- 9 (1 row)
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