Processing Fragment Attributes
时间:2008-10-02 来源:zyme007
A JSP fragment is an executable representation of a set of dynamic elements(action an EL expressions),optionally mixed with template text.When the tag file invokes the fragment,all the dynamic elements in the fragment are executed.
The <jsp:doBody> action invokes the special fragment representin a custom action element body,but named fragments can also be provided as custom atcion attributes and be invoked by the tag file. Such fragments are invoked with the <jsp:invoke> action.
Hereafter is a example to show
The <jsp:doBody> action invokes the special fragment representin a custom action element body,but named fragments can also be provided as custom atcion attributes and be invoked by the tag file. Such fragments are invoked with the <jsp:invoke> action.
Hereafter is a example to show
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