Runescape Area about Burgh De Rott Introduction
时间:2008-09-16 来源:8877888
Here we will introduce the Runescape area about Burgh De Rott. Hoping it will help you. All credit to the official site.
You must have started the In Aid of the Myreque quest to gain access to Burgh de Rott. The town lies deep in the southern reaches of Morytania, past the horrid swamps of Mort Myre and the afflicted village of Mort'ton. You will face a number of ghasts on your way there, so it's best to be prepared. In order to fight the ghasts you will need druid pouches, which you can learn to make during The Nature Spirit quest.
You can also get there using the boat shortcut uncovered during In Search of the Myreque, which will allow you to avoid much of the swamp.
For more information about braving the swamps, see the Terrain Survival Guide.
Burgh de Rott is the last untainted human settlement in Morytania, and this is only because the vampiric lords believe it to be deserted. The people of the town live miserable lives and seem to survive on the dream that they might one day escape to Misthalin.
The town is composed of broken walls and unthatched roofs, and the people survive in the remains of the decayed and dilapidated buildings, living off anything that happens to present itself as remotely edible. They are quite a cheerful bunch, all things considered, but very wary of strangers - understandable in a town fearful of the return of the vampires.
Burgh de Rott lies at the southernmost point of Morytania, with the undead town of Mort'ton immediately to the north, and Mort Myre Swamp beyond.
North-east of the town are the Barrows, where long-dead warriors rise up against anyone foolish enough (or greedy enough) to try to plunder their tombs.
Far to the north, well beyond the reach of the citizens of Burgh de Rott, is the werewolf town of Canifis.
Points of Interest
When you first arrive in Burgh de Rott you will notice a number of locations indicated on the minimap, including a bank, furnace and general store. Sadly, these are generally broken or lacking any inventory (or both). With luck, an enterprising adventurer aiding the Myreque will repair these, though, so it is really only a matter of putting some work in to gain access to them.
There are a good number of Fishing spots to the south of town, though, so if you come prepared you will be able to feed yourself once you get there.
To the west of town is an abandoned mine. Within those depths are a number of veins of ore, though the mine has a number of unresting defenders that may not like an explorer wandering about in their domain.
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Source from: official site