《TCL 教程英文版》 笔记 §14 变量作用域-glob..
时间:2008-08-26 来源:oychw
§14 变量作用域-global and upvar
- 语法:upvar ?level? otherVar1 myVar1 ?otherVar2 myVar2? ... ?otherVarN myVarN?
实例: 注意蓝色部分,2级引用的时候没有使用$.
# cat ch14
# !/bin/bash
# \
exec tclsh "$0" "$@"
proc SetPositive {variable value } {
upvar $variable myvar
if {$value < 0} {
set myvar [expr {-$value}]
} else {
set myvar $value
return $myvar
SetPositive x 5
SetPositive y -5
puts "X : $x Y: $y\n"
proc two {y} {
upvar 1 $y z ;# tie the calling value to variable z
upvar 2 x a ;# Tie variable x two levels up to a
puts "two: Z: $z A: $a" ;# Output the values, just to confirm
set z 1 ;# Set z, the passed variable to 1;
set a 2 ;# Set x, two layers up to 2;
proc one {y} {
upvar $y z ;# This ties the calling value to variable z
puts "one: Z: $z" ;# Output that value, to check it is 5
two z ;# call proc two, which will change the value
one y ;# Call one, and output X and Y after the call.
puts "\nX: $x Y: $y"
proc existence {variable} {
upvar $variable testVar
if { [info exists testVar] } {
puts "$variable Exists"
} else {
puts "$variable Does Not Exist"
set x 1
set y 2
for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
set a($i) $i;
puts "\ntesting unsetting a simple variable"
# Confirm that x exists.
existence x
# Unset x
puts "x has been unset"
unset x
# Confirm that x no longer exists.
existence x
# ./ch14
X : 5 Y: 5
one: Z: 5
two: Z: 5 A: 5
X: 2 Y: 1
testing unsetting a simple variable
x Exists
x has been unset
x Does Not Exist