[代码] 文件上传类
时间:2008-08-18 来源:liuxingyuyuni
* @auther Bian Yuan
* @email [email protected]
* @date Sun Aug 17 19:15:21 GMT 2008
* @copyright (c) 2008 - Bian Yuan Free to use, distribute, and modify.
* @desc File Upload
* @version 0.1
* @example
* $objUpload = new FileUpload('./upload', array('gif','png','jpg','jpeg'));
* $objUpload->upfile('file');
* echo "File upload info";
* print_r($objUpload->getUploadInfo());
* echo "
* echo "Upload error info";
* print_r($objUpload->getErrorInfo());
* @history
define('UPLOAD_MAX_FILE_SIZE_ERROR', 'File size too large.');
define('UPLOAD_INVALID_FILE_EXT', 'File extension not permitted.');
define('UPLOAD_NO_FILE_SELECT', 'You haven not selected any file to upload');
define('UPLOAD_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE', 'The upload directory doesn\'t have write perms.');
define('UPLOAD_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR', 'The destination file already exists.');
define('UPLOAD_FILEUPLOAD_FAILED', 'File upload failed');
class FileUpload {
private $file = null;
private $uploadPath = null;
private $allowType = array('gif', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg');
private $maxSize = 2048000;
private $overwrite = true;
private $errorInfo = array();
private $fileInfo = array();
private $numFiles = 0;
* @desc Constructor function
* @param String $overwrite
* @param Array $allowType
* @param Integer $maxSize
* @access public
* @return None
* */
public function FileUpload($uploadPath='', $allowType=array(), $overwrite=true, $maxSize=2048000) {
$this->uploadPath = realpath($uploadPath);
$this->allowType = (array)$allowType;
$this->overwrite = (boolean)$overwrite;
$this->maxSize = (int)$maxSize;
* Upload file
* @param String $file
* @access Public
* @return Boolean upload succeed or failed
* */
public function upfile($file) {
$this->numFiles = count($_FILES[$file]['name']);
if(1 == $this->numFiles) {
@extract($_FILES[$file], EXTR_OVERWRITE);
$_FILES = array();
$_FILES[$file]['name'][0] = $name;
$_FILES[$file]['type'][0] = $type;
$_FILES[$file]['tmp_name'][0] = $tmp_name;
$_FILES[$file]['size'][0] = $size;
$_FILES[$file]['error'][0] = $error;
unset($name, $type, $tmp_name, $size, $error);
for($i=0; $i$this->numFiles; $i++) {
if(! empty($this->errorInfo)) {
return false;
$ext = $this->getFileExtension($_FILES[$file]['name'][$i]);
$name = $this->getRandName();
$this->fileInfo[$i] = array(
'name' => basename($_FILES[$file]['name'][$i]),
'rand_name' => basename($name . '.' . $ext),
'ext' => $ext,
'size' => intval($_FILES[$file]['size'][$i]),
'tmp' => $_FILES[$file]['tmp_name'][$i],
if(! $this->doUpfileDetail($this->fileInfo[$i]['tmp'], $this->fileInfo[$i]['rand_name'])) {
return false;
return true;
* Upload file detail
* @param String $file
* @param String $destination
* @access Private
* @return Boolean upload file succeed or failed
* */
private function doUpfileDetail($file, $destName) {
$distFile = $this->uploadPath . '/' . $destName;
if(file_exists($distFile)) {
if($this->overwrite) {
$this->errorInfo['fileExists'] = UPLOAD_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR;
return false;
if(is_uploaded_file($file)) {
if(! @move_uploaded_file($file, $distFile)) {
$this->errorInfo['uploadFailed'] = UPLOAD_FILEUPLOAD_FAILED;
return false;
@chmod($distFile, 0755);
return true;
* Check for a valid upload file
* @param Array $fileInfo
* @access Private
* @return Booean file is valid or not
private function doCheck($fileInfo) {
for($i=0; $i$this->numFiles; $i++) {
$errno = (int)$fileInfo['error'][$i];
if(1 == $errno || !$this->isValidFilesize($fileInfo['size'][$i])) {
$this->errorInfo[$i]['maxSize'] = UPLOAD_MAX_FILE_SIZE_ERROR;
if(4 == $errno || '' == $fileInfo['name'][$i]) {
$this->errorInfo[$i]['name'] = UPLOAD_NO_FILE_SELECT;
$ext = $this->getFileExtension($fileInfo['name'][$i]);
if(! $this->isValidExtension($ext)) {
$this->errorInfo[$i]['ext'] = UPLOAD_INVALID_FILE_EXT;
return true;
* Set upload file path
* @param String $dir
* @access Public
* @return Void
* */
public function setUploadDir($dir) {
if(! is_writable($dir)){
$this->errorInfo['dir'] = UPLOAD_FILE_NOT_WRITABLE;
$this->upload_path = realpath($dir);
* Set max file size allow to upload
* @param Integer $size b
* @access Public
* @return Void
* */
public function setMaxFileSize($size) {
$this->max_size = (int) $size;
* Set is overwrite mode when file is exists
* @param Boolean $mode
* @access Public
* @return Void
* */
public function setOverWriteMode($mode=true) {
$this->overwrite = (bool) $mode;
* Set which extension allow to upload
* @param Array $ext
* @access Public
* @return Void
public function setValidExtension($ext = array()) {
$this->allowType = (array)$ext;
* Get random String
* @param String $len
* @access Private
* @return String
* */
private function getRandName($len=25) {
$randname = date('YmdHis').rand(1,10000);
return substr($randname,0,$len);
* Get upload file ext string
* @param String $filename
* @access Private
* @return String
* */
private function getFileExtension($filename) {
if(@$ps = strrpos($filename , '.')) {
return strtolower(substr($filename, $ps+1));
* Get Upload info
* @param Void
* @access Public
* @return Array upload info
public function getUploadInfo() {
return $this->fileInfo;
* Get formated size from file
* @param Integer $size;
* @param String $format b|kb|mb
* @access Private
* @return Integer
* */
private function formatFileSize($size, $format='kb') {
switch (strtolower($format)) {
case 'b':
$formatSize = $size;
case 'kb':
$formatSize = floor($size/1024);
case 'mb':
$formatSize = floor($size/(1024*1024));
$formatSize = $size;
return $formatSize;
* Check file extionsion
* @param String $ext
* @access Private
* @return Boolean
* */
private function isValidExtension($ext) {
if(! in_array($ext, $this->allowType)) {
return false;
return true;
* Check file size
* @param $filesize
* @access Private
* @return Boolean
* */
private function isValidFilesize($filesize) {
if($filesize > $this->maxSize) {
return false;
return true;
* Get upload error info
* @param Void
* @access Public
* @return Array upload error info
public function getErrorInfo() {
return $this->errorInfo;
* @auther Bian Yuan
* @email [email protected]
* @date Sun Aug 17 19:15:21 GMT 2008
* @copyright (c) 2008 - Bian Yuan Free to use, distribute, and modify.
* @desc File Upload
* @version 0.1
* @example
* $objUpload = new FileUpload('./upload', array('gif','png','jpg','jpeg'));
* $objUpload->upfile('file');
* echo "File upload info";
* print_r($objUpload->getUploadInfo());
* echo "
* echo "Upload error info";
* print_r($objUpload->getErrorInfo());
* @history
define('UPLOAD_MAX_FILE_SIZE_ERROR', 'File size too large.');
define('UPLOAD_INVALID_FILE_EXT', 'File extension not permitted.');
define('UPLOAD_NO_FILE_SELECT', 'You haven not selected any file to upload');
define('UPLOAD_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE', 'The upload directory doesn\'t have write perms.');
define('UPLOAD_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR', 'The destination file already exists.');
define('UPLOAD_FILEUPLOAD_FAILED', 'File upload failed');
class FileUpload {
private $file = null;
private $uploadPath = null;
private $allowType = array('gif', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg');
private $maxSize = 2048000;
private $overwrite = true;
private $errorInfo = array();
private $fileInfo = array();
private $numFiles = 0;
* @desc Constructor function
* @param String $overwrite
* @param Array $allowType
* @param Integer $maxSize
* @access public
* @return None
* */
public function FileUpload($uploadPath='', $allowType=array(), $overwrite=true, $maxSize=2048000) {
$this->uploadPath = realpath($uploadPath);
$this->allowType = (array)$allowType;
$this->overwrite = (boolean)$overwrite;
$this->maxSize = (int)$maxSize;
* Upload file
* @param String $file
* @access Public
* @return Boolean upload succeed or failed
* */
public function upfile($file) {
$this->numFiles = count($_FILES[$file]['name']);
if(1 == $this->numFiles) {
@extract($_FILES[$file], EXTR_OVERWRITE);
$_FILES = array();
$_FILES[$file]['name'][0] = $name;
$_FILES[$file]['type'][0] = $type;
$_FILES[$file]['tmp_name'][0] = $tmp_name;
$_FILES[$file]['size'][0] = $size;
$_FILES[$file]['error'][0] = $error;
unset($name, $type, $tmp_name, $size, $error);
for($i=0; $i$this->numFiles; $i++) {
if(! empty($this->errorInfo)) {
return false;
$ext = $this->getFileExtension($_FILES[$file]['name'][$i]);
$name = $this->getRandName();
$this->fileInfo[$i] = array(
'name' => basename($_FILES[$file]['name'][$i]),
'rand_name' => basename($name . '.' . $ext),
'ext' => $ext,
'size' => intval($_FILES[$file]['size'][$i]),
'tmp' => $_FILES[$file]['tmp_name'][$i],
if(! $this->doUpfileDetail($this->fileInfo[$i]['tmp'], $this->fileInfo[$i]['rand_name'])) {
return false;
return true;
* Upload file detail
* @param String $file
* @param String $destination
* @access Private
* @return Boolean upload file succeed or failed
* */
private function doUpfileDetail($file, $destName) {
$distFile = $this->uploadPath . '/' . $destName;
if(file_exists($distFile)) {
if($this->overwrite) {
$this->errorInfo['fileExists'] = UPLOAD_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR;
return false;
if(is_uploaded_file($file)) {
if(! @move_uploaded_file($file, $distFile)) {
$this->errorInfo['uploadFailed'] = UPLOAD_FILEUPLOAD_FAILED;
return false;
@chmod($distFile, 0755);
return true;
* Check for a valid upload file
* @param Array $fileInfo
* @access Private
* @return Booean file is valid or not
private function doCheck($fileInfo) {
for($i=0; $i$this->numFiles; $i++) {
$errno = (int)$fileInfo['error'][$i];
if(1 == $errno || !$this->isValidFilesize($fileInfo['size'][$i])) {
$this->errorInfo[$i]['maxSize'] = UPLOAD_MAX_FILE_SIZE_ERROR;
if(4 == $errno || '' == $fileInfo['name'][$i]) {
$this->errorInfo[$i]['name'] = UPLOAD_NO_FILE_SELECT;
$ext = $this->getFileExtension($fileInfo['name'][$i]);
if(! $this->isValidExtension($ext)) {
$this->errorInfo[$i]['ext'] = UPLOAD_INVALID_FILE_EXT;
return true;
* Set upload file path
* @param String $dir
* @access Public
* @return Void
* */
public function setUploadDir($dir) {
if(! is_writable($dir)){
$this->errorInfo['dir'] = UPLOAD_FILE_NOT_WRITABLE;
$this->upload_path = realpath($dir);
* Set max file size allow to upload
* @param Integer $size b
* @access Public
* @return Void
* */
public function setMaxFileSize($size) {
$this->max_size = (int) $size;
* Set is overwrite mode when file is exists
* @param Boolean $mode
* @access Public
* @return Void
* */
public function setOverWriteMode($mode=true) {
$this->overwrite = (bool) $mode;
* Set which extension allow to upload
* @param Array $ext
* @access Public
* @return Void
public function setValidExtension($ext = array()) {
$this->allowType = (array)$ext;
* Get random String
* @param String $len
* @access Private
* @return String
* */
private function getRandName($len=25) {
$randname = date('YmdHis').rand(1,10000);
return substr($randname,0,$len);
* Get upload file ext string
* @param String $filename
* @access Private
* @return String
* */
private function getFileExtension($filename) {
if(@$ps = strrpos($filename , '.')) {
return strtolower(substr($filename, $ps+1));
* Get Upload info
* @param Void
* @access Public
* @return Array upload info
public function getUploadInfo() {
return $this->fileInfo;
* Get formated size from file
* @param Integer $size;
* @param String $format b|kb|mb
* @access Private
* @return Integer
* */
private function formatFileSize($size, $format='kb') {
switch (strtolower($format)) {
case 'b':
$formatSize = $size;
case 'kb':
$formatSize = floor($size/1024);
case 'mb':
$formatSize = floor($size/(1024*1024));
$formatSize = $size;
return $formatSize;
* Check file extionsion
* @param String $ext
* @access Private
* @return Boolean
* */
private function isValidExtension($ext) {
if(! in_array($ext, $this->allowType)) {
return false;
return true;
* Check file size
* @param $filesize
* @access Private
* @return Boolean
* */
private function isValidFilesize($filesize) {
if($filesize > $this->maxSize) {
return false;
return true;
* Get upload error info
* @param Void
* @access Public
* @return Array upload error info
public function getErrorInfo() {
return $this->errorInfo;
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