SMTP邮件发送类 - Fmail.class.php
时间:2008-07-04 来源:hshq_cn
$svr = array(
'smtp' => '发件smtp',
'user' => '发件账号',
'pass' => '密码',
'host' => '发件主机',
); // 其他参数见Fmail::$svr
$debug = true;
$mail = array(
'name' => '发件人名字',
'from' => '发件人',
'to' => '收件人',
'cc' => '抄送',
'subject' => "Hello, 这是主题!",
'cont' => "信件内容",
'cont_type' => Fmail::CONT_TYPE_HTML, // html格式
'apart' => true, // 隐藏To、Cc和Bcc
); // 其他参数见Fmail::send($mail)
$fmail = new Fmail($svr, $debug);
if($fmail->send($mail)) echo "发送成功!\n";
else echo "发送失败!\n";
class Fmail {
const CRLF = "\r\n";
const BUF_LEN = 512;
const RCPT_NUM = 99; // NOTE: 收件人上限,使用者须注意
const CONT_TYPE_PLAIN = 1;
const CONT_TYPE_HTML = 2;
// TODO: log_
protected $fp; //socket句柄
protected $debug = false; // 是否显示调试信息
protected $svr = array();
/*'smtp' // 发件服务器的地址
'port' // 发件服务器的端口一般默认为25
'host' // 用在HELO后面,host / ip
'user' // 发件人帐号名称(现在基本都要验证的)
'pass // 发件人帐号密码
'x_mailer' // (PHP/phpversion())
public function __construct($svr, $debug = false) {
if(!$this->connect()) {
public function opSvr($svr = null) {
$tmp = $this->svr;
if($svr) {
if(empty($svr['host'])) $svr['host'] = gethostbyaddr("localhost");
if(empty($svr['host'])) $svr['host'] = gethostbyname("localhost");
if(empty($svr['port'])) $svr['port'] = 25;
if(empty($svr['time_out'])) $svr['time_out'] = 30;
if(empty($svr['x_mailer'])) $svr['x_mailer'] = "PHP/".phpversion();
$this->svr = $svr;
return $tmp;
public function opDebug($debug = null) {
$tmp = $this->debug;
if(!is_null($debug)) $this->debug = (bool)$debug;
return $tmp;
public function connect() {
$svr = & $this->svr;
$this->show_debug("Connect to SMTP server : ".$svr['smtp'], "out");
$this->fp = fsockopen($svr['smtp'], $svr['port'],
$errno, $errstr, $svr['time_out']);
$fp = & $this->fp;
if(false === $fp) {
$this->show_debug("Connect failed! ERRNO: $errno ERRSTR: $errstr", "in");
return false;
stream_set_blocking($fp, true);
$msg = fgets($fp, self::BUF_LEN);
$this->show_debug($msg, "in");
if(220 !== (int)$msg) return false;
if(!$this->do_cmd("HELO " . $svr['host'], 250)) return false;
if(!empty($svr['user'])) {
$user = base64_encode($this->svr['user']);
if(!$this->do_cmd("AUTH LOGIN $user", 334)) return false;
/*if(!$this->do_cmd("AUTH LOGIN ", 334)) return false;
if(!$this->do_cmd(base64_encode($svr['user']), 334)) return false;*/
if(!$this->do_cmd(base64_encode($svr['pass']), 235)) return false;
return true;
public function close() {
if($this->fp) {
$this->do_cmd("QUIT", 250);
/* $mail = array();
'name'(sender), 'from', 'to'(str|array), 'cc'(str|array), 'bcc'(str|array),
'subject', 'cont', 'charset'(utf-8), 'cont_type'(0), //'cont_encode'(''),
'no_reply'(mail), 'reply'(msg-id), 'xheaders', 'apart'(false),
public function send($mail) {
$fp = & $this->fp;
$svr = & $this->svr;
$cs = (empty($mail['charset']) ? 'utf-8' : $mail['charset']);
$CRLF = self::CRLF;
if(!$this->do_cmd("MAIL FROM: ", 250)) return false;
list($msec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
$header = "Message-ID: . date("YmdHis", $sec) . "." .
($msec*1000000) . ".{$mail['from']}>$CRLF";
// "Message-Id: $CRLF";
$header .= "Date: " . date("r", $sec) . $CRLF;
$header .= "Mime-Version: 1.0$CRLF";
$header .= "X-Mailer: {$svr['x_mailer']} $CRLF";
$header .= "From: =?$cs?B?" . base64_encode($mail['name']) . "?=$CRLF";
// "From: $from\r\n";
if(!empty($mail['no_reply'])) {
$header .= "Return-Path: $CRLF";
$header .= "Return-To: $CRLF";
} elseif(!empty($mail['reply'])) {
$header .= "In-Reply-To: $CRLF";
$header .= "References: $CRLF";
$subject = str_replace("\n", ' ', $mail['subject']);
$header .= "Subject: =?$cs?B?" . base64_encode($mail['subject']) . "?=$CRLF";
// 注意前后位置,某些不可由其更改的header最好置于其后
if(!empty($mail['xheaders'])) $header .= $mail['xheaders'];
if(isset($mail['cont_type'])) {
if(self::CONT_TYPE_PLAIN == $mail['cont_type'])
$header .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$cs$CRLF";
$header .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=$cs$CRLF";
if(is_string($mail['to'])) $mail['to'] = array($mail['to']);
if(!isset($mail['cc'])) $mail['cc'] = array();
elseif(is_string($mail['cc'])) $mail['cc'] = array($mail['cc']);
if(!isset($mail['bcc'])) $mail['bcc'] = array();
elseif(is_string($mail['bcc'])) $mail['bcc'] = array($mail['bcc']);
$tos = array_merge($mail['to'], $mail['cc'], $mail['bcc']);
foreach($tos as $to) {
$this->do_cmd("RCPT TO: ", 250); // TODO: 记录失败的
if(!$this->do_cmd("DATA", 354)) return false;
if(empty($mail['apart'])) {
// $header .= "To: =?$cs?B?" . base64_encode($toname) . "?=$CRLF";
$header .= "To: " . implode(',', $mail['to']) . "$CRLF";
$header .= "Cc: " . implode(',', $mail['cc']) . "$CRLF";
$header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64$CRLF"; // TODO: 7bit 8bit
$msg = $header . $CRLF . base64_encode($mail['cont']) . "$CRLF.$CRLF";
$this->show_debug($msg, "out");
$ret = fwrite($fp, $msg);
return $ret !== false;
protected function show_debug($msg, $inout) {
if($this->debug) {
$m = ($inout == "in" ? ' : '>> '); // >>响应
$msg = nl2br($msg . self::CRLF);
echo "${m}${msg}";
protected function do_cmd($cmd, $code) {
$this->show_debug($cmd . self::CRLF, "out");
fwrite($this->fp, $cmd . self::CRLF);
// 处理多行响应信息
$msg = "";
while($rt = fgets($this->fp, self::BUF_LEN)) {
$msg .= $rt;
if($rt{3} !== "-") break;
// $msg = fgets($this->fp, self::BUF_LEN);
$this->show_debug($msg, "in");
return $code === (int)$msg;
$svr = array(
'smtp' => '发件smtp',
'user' => '发件账号',
'pass' => '密码',
'host' => '发件主机',
); // 其他参数见Fmail::$svr
$debug = true;
$mail = array(
'name' => '发件人名字',
'from' => '发件人',
'to' => '收件人',
'cc' => '抄送',
'subject' => "Hello, 这是主题!",
'cont' => "信件内容",
'cont_type' => Fmail::CONT_TYPE_HTML, // html格式
'apart' => true, // 隐藏To、Cc和Bcc
); // 其他参数见Fmail::send($mail)
$fmail = new Fmail($svr, $debug);
if($fmail->send($mail)) echo "发送成功!\n";
else echo "发送失败!\n";
class Fmail {
const CRLF = "\r\n";
const BUF_LEN = 512;
const RCPT_NUM = 99; // NOTE: 收件人上限,使用者须注意
const CONT_TYPE_PLAIN = 1;
const CONT_TYPE_HTML = 2;
// TODO: log_
protected $fp; //socket句柄
protected $debug = false; // 是否显示调试信息
protected $svr = array();
/*'smtp' // 发件服务器的地址
'port' // 发件服务器的端口一般默认为25
'host' // 用在HELO后面,host / ip
'user' // 发件人帐号名称(现在基本都要验证的)
'pass // 发件人帐号密码
'x_mailer' // (PHP/phpversion())
public function __construct($svr, $debug = false) {
if(!$this->connect()) {
public function opSvr($svr = null) {
$tmp = $this->svr;
if($svr) {
if(empty($svr['host'])) $svr['host'] = gethostbyaddr("localhost");
if(empty($svr['host'])) $svr['host'] = gethostbyname("localhost");
if(empty($svr['port'])) $svr['port'] = 25;
if(empty($svr['time_out'])) $svr['time_out'] = 30;
if(empty($svr['x_mailer'])) $svr['x_mailer'] = "PHP/".phpversion();
$this->svr = $svr;
return $tmp;
public function opDebug($debug = null) {
$tmp = $this->debug;
if(!is_null($debug)) $this->debug = (bool)$debug;
return $tmp;
public function connect() {
$svr = & $this->svr;
$this->show_debug("Connect to SMTP server : ".$svr['smtp'], "out");
$this->fp = fsockopen($svr['smtp'], $svr['port'],
$errno, $errstr, $svr['time_out']);
$fp = & $this->fp;
if(false === $fp) {
$this->show_debug("Connect failed! ERRNO: $errno ERRSTR: $errstr", "in");
return false;
stream_set_blocking($fp, true);
$msg = fgets($fp, self::BUF_LEN);
$this->show_debug($msg, "in");
if(220 !== (int)$msg) return false;
if(!$this->do_cmd("HELO " . $svr['host'], 250)) return false;
if(!empty($svr['user'])) {
$user = base64_encode($this->svr['user']);
if(!$this->do_cmd("AUTH LOGIN $user", 334)) return false;
/*if(!$this->do_cmd("AUTH LOGIN ", 334)) return false;
if(!$this->do_cmd(base64_encode($svr['user']), 334)) return false;*/
if(!$this->do_cmd(base64_encode($svr['pass']), 235)) return false;
return true;
public function close() {
if($this->fp) {
$this->do_cmd("QUIT", 250);
/* $mail = array();
'name'(sender), 'from', 'to'(str|array), 'cc'(str|array), 'bcc'(str|array),
'subject', 'cont', 'charset'(utf-8), 'cont_type'(0), //'cont_encode'(''),
'no_reply'(mail), 'reply'(msg-id), 'xheaders', 'apart'(false),
public function send($mail) {
$fp = & $this->fp;
$svr = & $this->svr;
$cs = (empty($mail['charset']) ? 'utf-8' : $mail['charset']);
$CRLF = self::CRLF;
if(!$this->do_cmd("MAIL FROM: ", 250)) return false;
list($msec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
$header = "Message-ID: . date("YmdHis", $sec) . "." .
($msec*1000000) . ".{$mail['from']}>$CRLF";
// "Message-Id: $CRLF";
$header .= "Date: " . date("r", $sec) . $CRLF;
$header .= "Mime-Version: 1.0$CRLF";
$header .= "X-Mailer: {$svr['x_mailer']} $CRLF";
$header .= "From: =?$cs?B?" . base64_encode($mail['name']) . "?=$CRLF";
// "From: $from\r\n";
if(!empty($mail['no_reply'])) {
$header .= "Return-Path: $CRLF";
$header .= "Return-To: $CRLF";
} elseif(!empty($mail['reply'])) {
$header .= "In-Reply-To: $CRLF";
$header .= "References: $CRLF";
$subject = str_replace("\n", ' ', $mail['subject']);
$header .= "Subject: =?$cs?B?" . base64_encode($mail['subject']) . "?=$CRLF";
// 注意前后位置,某些不可由其更改的header最好置于其后
if(!empty($mail['xheaders'])) $header .= $mail['xheaders'];
if(isset($mail['cont_type'])) {
if(self::CONT_TYPE_PLAIN == $mail['cont_type'])
$header .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$cs$CRLF";
$header .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=$cs$CRLF";
if(is_string($mail['to'])) $mail['to'] = array($mail['to']);
if(!isset($mail['cc'])) $mail['cc'] = array();
elseif(is_string($mail['cc'])) $mail['cc'] = array($mail['cc']);
if(!isset($mail['bcc'])) $mail['bcc'] = array();
elseif(is_string($mail['bcc'])) $mail['bcc'] = array($mail['bcc']);
$tos = array_merge($mail['to'], $mail['cc'], $mail['bcc']);
foreach($tos as $to) {
$this->do_cmd("RCPT TO: ", 250); // TODO: 记录失败的
if(!$this->do_cmd("DATA", 354)) return false;
if(empty($mail['apart'])) {
// $header .= "To: =?$cs?B?" . base64_encode($toname) . "?=$CRLF";
$header .= "To: " . implode(',', $mail['to']) . "$CRLF";
$header .= "Cc: " . implode(',', $mail['cc']) . "$CRLF";
$header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64$CRLF"; // TODO: 7bit 8bit
$msg = $header . $CRLF . base64_encode($mail['cont']) . "$CRLF.$CRLF";
$this->show_debug($msg, "out");
$ret = fwrite($fp, $msg);
return $ret !== false;
protected function show_debug($msg, $inout) {
if($this->debug) {
$m = ($inout == "in" ? ' : '>> '); // >>响应
$msg = nl2br($msg . self::CRLF);
echo "${m}${msg}";
protected function do_cmd($cmd, $code) {
$this->show_debug($cmd . self::CRLF, "out");
fwrite($this->fp, $cmd . self::CRLF);
// 处理多行响应信息
$msg = "";
while($rt = fgets($this->fp, self::BUF_LEN)) {
$msg .= $rt;
if($rt{3} !== "-") break;
// $msg = fgets($this->fp, self::BUF_LEN);
$this->show_debug($msg, "in");
return $code === (int)$msg;
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