How to move NS2 between different hosts?
时间:2008-04-16 来源:zcwuwei
2007-10-11 11:47
I have an ns2 implemented a power-control function in my vmware machine(/home/s/ns-allinone-2.31). I add the NOAH module, get rid of the ARP module, add something to control the wireless transmission power. Today I moved it to the simulation server with higher computation capability and larger disk space and available memory. I set up an original version of ns2 on the simu-server(/home/fang/ns-allinone-2.31). Then I move the ns2 folder in the vm to the server through ftp. Suppose we are under the ns2-2.31-allinone folder: 1. rm -rf ./ns-2.31 2. mv vm-ns-2.31 ./ns-2.31 (1&2 let the new folder replace the original folder) 3. remember to replace all the /home/s/ns-allinone-2.31 with /home/fang/ns-allinone-2.31 in Makefile and tcl/lib/ns-autoconf.tcl. 4. make clean; make 中文:将一台机器上修改过的ns2移动到另外一台机器上安装起来,两台机器的allinone包的安装路径不同,需要修改一些编译的路径才能重新建立起仿真环境。 更多文章: |
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