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Using Layouts with Ext - Part 1 (Chinese)

时间:2008-03-28  来源:cys_web

Ext的layout布局对于建立WEB程序尤为有用。关于布局引擎(layout engine),区域管理器(region manager)的教程将分为几部分,本文是第一篇,为您介绍如何创建区域,如何增加版面到这些区域。

布局引擎(layout engine)这一功能早已在EXT前个ALPHA实现了。 Jack Slocum对于怎样环绕某一区域,给与指定区域管理的策略,和建立界面的问题,在他的第一、第二篇关于跨浏览器的WEB2.0布局功能的博客中,进行过讨论。定义一个DOM元素的边界(edge),使之一个布局的边框(border)--这种做法使得创建“富界面”客户端UI的开发更进一大步。

布局管理器(layout manager)负责管理这些区域。布局管理的主要的用户组件是BorderLayout类。该类为EXT开发富界面的程序提供了一个切入点。Layout的含意是划分好一些预定的区域。可用的区域分别有south, east, west, north,和center。每一个BorderLayout对象都提供这些区域但只有center要求必须使用的。如果你在单独一个区域中包含多个面板,你可通过NestedLayoutPanel 类套嵌到BorderLayout 实例中。


面板(Panel)是区域管理(region management)的另外一个组件。面板提供了这么一个地方,可为您的EXT器件(widget)、加载的HTML,嵌入的IFrames、或者是你日常在HTML页面上摆放的随便一样东西。NestedLayoutPanel也是一个面板,只不过用于链接多个BorderLayout的区域,其它的面板包括内容面板 ContentPanel,Grid面板 GridPanel,和Tree面板 TreePanel。


下面的layout包含 north, south, east, west,和center的区域,而且每个区域包含一个ContentPanel,各区域之间使用得了分隔条分割开。

var mainLayout = new Ext.BorderLayout(document.body, { north: { split: true, initialSize: 50 }, south: { split: true, initialSize: 50 }, east: { split: true, initialSize: 100 }, west: { split: true, initialSize: 100 }, center: { } }); 


mainLayout.beginUpdate(); mainLayout.add('north', new Ext.ContentPanel('north-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('south', new Ext.ContentPanel('south-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('east', new Ext.ContentPanel('east-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('west', new Ext.ContentPanel('west-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('center', new Ext.ContentPanel('center-div', { fitToFrame: true })); mainLayout.endUpdate(); 


InternetExploer注意事项:BorderLayout所容纳的元素必须有一个SIZE以便正确渲染。典型地你无须为document.body 指明size,因为document.body通常是有size的了(大多数情况,-除非你在浏览器上什么也看不到)。但是如果你将layout连同容器放到现有的web页面上(‘可能是DIV),那么DIV的size应该先指明以便正确渲染。如下列显示正常:

<div style=""></div>



<html> <head> <title>Simple Layout</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../ext-1.0/resources/css/ext-all.css"/>     </head> <body> <div id="north-div"></div> <div id="south-div"></div> <div id="east-div"></div> <div id="west-div"></div> <div id="center-div"></div> </body> </html> 


Simple = function() { return { init : function() { var mainLayout = new Ext.BorderLayout(document.body, { north: { split: true, initialSize: 50 }, south: { split: true, initialSize: 50 }, east: { split: true, initialSize: 100 }, west: { split: true, initialSize: 100 }, center: { } }); mainLayout.beginUpdate(); mainLayout.add('north', new Ext.ContentPanel('north-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('south', new Ext.ContentPanel('south-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('east', new Ext.ContentPanel('east-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('west', new Ext.ContentPanel('west-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('center', new Ext.ContentPanel('center-div', { fitToFrame: true })); mainLayout.endUpdate(); } }; }(); Ext.EventManager.onDocumentReady(Simple.init, Simple, true); 


上面的例子做的layout,除了可移动分割栏外,功能还不强大。需要加入些内容。有几种的办法加入内容。如果您直接加入内容到DIV中(ContentPanel绑定的那个),ContentPanel对象会对div里面的内容进行渲染。尽管试试!我们会更改html内容加入 center-div中。


<html> <head> <title>Simple Layout</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../ext-1.0/resources/css/ext-all.css"/>     </head> <body> <div id="north-div"></div> <div id="south-div"></div> <div id="east-div"></div> <div id="west-div"></div> <div id="center-div"> This is some content that will display in a panel when a ContentPanel object is attached to the div. </div> </body> </html> 

除此之外,还可以利用ContentPanel对象带有的function加载数据。可用的方法有几种,这里我们使用其中两种:setContent() 与 setUrl()。setContent()允许您直接从JavaScipt程序中插入HTML。setUrl(),允许您从服务端得到数据加入ContentPanel中。



Simple = function() { var northPanel, southPanel, eastPanel, westPanel, centerPanel; return { init : function() { var mainLayout = new Ext.BorderLayout(document.body, { north: { split: true, initialSize: 50 }, south: { split: true, initialSize: 50 }, east: { split: true, initialSize: 100 }, west: { split: true, initialSize: 100 }, center: { } }); mainLayout.beginUpdate(); mainLayout.add('north', northPanel = new Ext.ContentPanel('north-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('south', southPanel = new Ext.ContentPanel('south-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('east', eastPanel = new Ext.ContentPanel('east-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('west', westPanel = new Ext.ContentPanel('west-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('center', centerPanel = new Ext.ContentPanel('center-div', { fitToFrame: true })); mainLayout.endUpdate(); northPanel.setContent('This panel will be used for a header'); westPanel.setContent('<img src="nav-mini.gif" border="0" alt="Mini Layout Image" />'); centerPanel.setUrl('index.html'); centerPanel.refresh(); } }; }(); Ext.EventManager.onDocumentReady(Simple.init, Simple, true); 



设置一下 IFRAME的滚动条并放到中间的页面。.


<html> <head> <title>Simple Layout</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../ext-1.0/resources/css/ext-all.css"/>     </head> <body> <div id="north-div"></div> <div id="south-div"></div> <div id="east-div"></div> <div id="west-div"></div> <div id="center-div"> <iframe id="center-iframe" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" style="border:0px none;"></iframe> </div> </body> </html> 


Simple = function() { var northPanel, southPanel, eastPanel, westPanel, centerPanel; return { init : function() { var mainLayout = new Ext.BorderLayout(document.body, { north: { split: true, initialSize: 50 }, south: { split: true, initialSize: 50 }, east: { split: true, initialSize: 100 }, west: { split: true, initialSize: 100 }, center: { } }); mainLayout.beginUpdate(); mainLayout.add('north', northPanel = new Ext.ContentPanel('north-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('south', southPanel = new Ext.ContentPanel('south-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('east', eastPanel = new Ext.ContentPanel('east-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('west', westPanel = new Ext.ContentPanel('west-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('center', centerPanel = new Ext.ContentPanel('center-div', { fitToFrame: true, autoScroll: true, resizeEl: 'center-iframe' })); mainLayout.endUpdate(); northPanel.setContent('This panel will be used for a header'); Ext.get('center-iframe').dom.src = 'index.html'; } }; }(); Ext.EventManager.onDocumentReady(Simple.init, Simple, true); 

当前的进展不错。大多数情况滚动条工作起来是很好的,但留意一样的东西, Internet Explorer 7之前的版本,如果文档完整指明DTD的DOCTYPE标签,IE很可能出现垂直滚动条的同时也显示水平滚动条。这个IE布局的一个BUG。


var simpleToolbar = new Ext.Toolbar('simple-tb'); simpleToolbar.addButton({ text: 'Scroll Bottom', cls: 'x-btn-text-icon scroll-bottom'}); simpleToolbar.addButton({ text: 'Scroll Top', cls: 'x-btn-text-icon scroll-bottom'});

要加入toolbar,需要先加入HTML的容器,我们需要加入一些代码以创建toolbar,然后绑定到中间的区域。toolbar有两个按钮: Scroll Bottom和Scroll Top。这些按钮会滚动IFRAME内容到底部或是顶部。为了尽可能兼容多浏览器,我们的加入一个function来控制IFRAME文档。


<html> <head> <title>Simple Layout</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../ext-1.0/resources/css/ext-all.css"/>     <style> .scroll-bottom .x-btn-text { background-image: url(scroll-bottom.gif); } .scroll-top .x-btn-text { background-image: url(scroll-top.gif); } </style> </head> <body> <div id="north-div"></div> <div id="south-div"></div> <div id="east-div"></div> <div id="west-div"></div> <div id="center-div"> <div id="center-tb"></div> <iframe id="center-iframe" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" style="border:0px none;"></iframe> </div> </body> </html> 


function getIframeDocument(el) { var oIframe = Ext.get('center-iframe').dom; var oDoc = oIframe.contentWindow || oIframe.contentDocument; if(oDoc.document) { oDoc = oDoc.document; } return oDoc; } Simple = function() { var northPanel, southPanel, eastPanel, westPanel, centerPanel; return { init : function() { var simpleToolbar = new Ext.Toolbar('center-tb'); simpleToolbar.addButton({ text: 'Scroll Bottom', cls: 'x-btn-text-icon scroll-bottom', handler: function(o, e) { var iframeDoc = getIframeDocument('center-iframe'); iframeDoc.body.scrollTop = iframeDoc.body.scrollHeight; } }); simpleToolbar.addButton({ text: 'Scroll Top', cls: 'x-btn-text-icon scroll-top', handler: function(o, e) { var iframeDoc = getIframeDocument('center-iframe'); iframeDoc.body.scrollTop = 0; } }); var mainLayout = new Ext.BorderLayout(document.body, { north: { split: true, initialSize: 50 }, south: { split: true, initialSize: 50 }, east: { split: true, initialSize: 100 }, west: { split: true, initialSize: 100 }, center: { } }); mainLayout.beginUpdate(); mainLayout.add('north', northPanel = new Ext.ContentPanel('north-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('south', southPanel = new Ext.ContentPanel('south-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('east', eastPanel = new Ext.ContentPanel('east-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('west', westPanel = new Ext.ContentPanel('west-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('center', centerPanel = new Ext.ContentPanel('center-div', { fitToFrame: true, autoScroll: true, resizeEl: 'center-iframe', toolbar: simpleToolbar })); mainLayout.endUpdate(); northPanel.setContent('This panel will be used for a header'); Ext.get('center-iframe').dom.src = 'index.html'; } }; }(); Ext.EventManager.onDocumentReady(Simple.init, Simple, true); 




function getIframeDocument(el) { var oIframe = Ext.get('center-iframe').dom; var oDoc = oIframe.contentWindow || oIframe.contentDocument; if(oDoc.document) { oDoc = oDoc.document; } return oDoc; } Simple = function() { var northPanel, southPanel, eastPanel, westPanel, centerPanel; return { init : function() { var simpleToolbar = new Ext.Toolbar('center-tb'); simpleToolbar.addButton({ text: 'Scroll Bottom', cls: 'x-btn-text-icon scroll-bottom', handler: function(o, e) { var iframeDoc = getIframeDocument('center-iframe'); iframeDoc.body.scrollTop = iframeDoc.body.scrollHeight; } }); simpleToolbar.addButton({ text: 'Scroll Top', cls: 'x-btn-text-icon scroll-top', handler: function(o, e) { var iframeDoc = getIframeDocument('center-iframe'); iframeDoc.body.scrollTop = 0; } }); var mainLayout = new Ext.BorderLayout(document.body, { north: { split: true, initialSize: 50 }, south: { split: true, initialSize: 125, titlebar: true, collapsedTitle: 'Status', collapsible: true }, east: { split: true, initialSize: 100 }, west: { split: true, initialSize: 100, titlebar: true, collapsible: true }, center: { titlebar: true} }); mainLayout.beginUpdate(); mainLayout.add('north', northPanel = new Ext.ContentPanel('north-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('south', southPanel = new Ext.ContentPanel('south-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false, title: 'Status' })); mainLayout.add('east', eastPanel = new Ext.ContentPanel('east-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false })); mainLayout.add('west', westPanel = new Ext.ContentPanel('west-div', { fitToFrame: true, closable: false, title: 'Navigation' })); mainLayout.add('center', centerPanel = new Ext.ContentPanel('center-div', { fitToFrame: true, autoScroll: true, resizeEl: 'center-iframe', toolbar: simpleToolbar, title: 'Content' })); mainLayout.endUpdate(); northPanel.setContent('This panel will be used for a header'); Ext.get('center-iframe').dom.src = 'index.html'; } }; }(); Ext.EventManager.onDocumentReady(Simple.init, Simple, true); 



.x-layout-collapsed-west { background-image: url(navigation.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; }

教程的第二部分我们将会接触layout manager的一些高级细节内容,包括内嵌layouts,可编程的展开、收缩区域,创建tab layout和其它一些创建EXTellent程序的有效方法。

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