时间:2008-03-12 来源:yedong
在osflash mailing list看到的一些关于as3效率优化的讨论,(其实很早就在email里面了,只是因为懒到今天才看到)。
AS3 Speed tests page:
1.a += b 要比 a = a + b 快,同样,自增a++也比a = a + 1快,不过自减a–不是比a=a-1快。
2.在做除以2操作时,乘法比除法快,位运算更快. 但是不要位运算来操作Number类型的变量,因为它会将Number类型的数值转为整数类型。
for Int : a = b >>1 faster than a = b *.5 faster than a = b /2 ;
for Number : a = b *.5 faster than a = b /2 ;
3.取整操作时,用unit()或int()比用Math.floor()和Math.ceil()要快,其中用uint(n) 比Math.floor(n)要快10倍.
比如var test:uint = uint(1.5);要比var test:Number = Math.floor(1.5);快,而 var test:uint = uint(1.5)+1;要比var test:Number = Math.ceil(1.5);也快。
如果是 Math.floor(),用位运算(>>0) 比unit() 或int()更快。
4.取绝对值时,*-1 比 Math.abs要快.如var test:Number = n < 0 ? n * -1 : n;快于var test:Number = Math.abs(n);
var thresh:Number = .00001;
var b:Number = w * 0.25,a:Number,c:Number;
c = w / b;
b = (b + c) * 0.5;
a = b - c;
if (a < 0)
a = -a;
while (a> thresh);
return b;
Actual value = 12.136309158883519Testing threshold: 0.00001
Number of iterations for approximation: 6
Approximation: 12.13630915888352
Error in approximation: 1.7763568394002505e-15
- - - -
Math.sqrt - Mean over 20 loops
Math.sqrt() Test: 172.05
Approximation Test: 134.8
Empty Test: 4.05
Net timing results:
Math.sqrt() Test: 168
Approximation Test: 130.75
Actual value = 12.136309158883519Testing threshold: 0.00001
Number of iterations for approximation: 6
Approximation: 12.13630915888352
Error in approximation: 1.7763568394002505e-15
- - - -
Math.sqrt - Mean over 20 loops
Math.sqrt() Test: 199.55
Approximation Test: 210.3
Empty Test: 4.9
Net timing results:
Math.sqrt() Test: 194.65
Approximation Test: 205.4