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MYSQL 教程:§6, 查询

时间:2008-02-16  来源:oychw

§6, 查询

§6.1  查询简介



SELECT columns
FROM tables
[WHERE conditions]
[GROUP BY group
[HAVING group_conditions]]
[ORDER BY sort_columns]
[LIMIT limits];





select name
from employee.employee;
select employee.employee.name
from employee;



§6.2  别名




mysql> select name as employeeName

    -> from employee;


| employeeName  |


| Ajay Patel    |

| Nora Edwards  |

| Candy Burnett |

| Ben Smith     |

| Meil          |

| 0             |


6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select e.name
from employee as e;





select e.name
from employee as e;



§6.3  使用WHERE     进行查询

select employeeID, name
from employee
where job='Programmer';


| employeeID | name         |


|       6651 | Ajay Patel   |

|       7513 | Nora Edwards |


2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


注意其他语言中使用==来判断等于,这里仅仅有=。其他符号还有!= or <>,>,<,>=,<=,IS NULL,IS NOT NULL, AND, OR, and NOT,count()


select count(*) from employee;


mysql> select count(*) from employee;


| count(*) |


|        6 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)



使用where 子句的时候不允许使用列别名,这是ANSI SQL的限制。因为检查WHERE条件时,还未必知道这个别名。

§6.4  消除重复

select job
from employee;



| job                   |


| Programmer            |

| Programmer            |

| Systems Administrator |

| DBA                   |

| NULL                  |

| NULL                  |



select distinct job
from employee;



| job                   |


| Programmer            |

| Systems Administrator |

| DBA                   |

| NULL                  |


select count(distinct job) from employee;


select count(job) from employee;



§6.4  使用GROUP BY

       GROUP BY 按组来获取数据,一般与函数配合使用.

mysql> select count(*), job

    -> from employee

    -> group by job;


| count(*) | job                   |


|        1 | DBA                   |

|        2 | Programmer            |

|        1 | Systems Administrator |


3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


ANSI SQL 和MYSQL处理GROUP BY不同.前者要根据select列中选出来的所有列来分组.MYSQL则可以,甚至还可以给分组排序.

mysql> select count(*), job

    -> from employee

    -> group by job desc;


| count(*) | job                   |


|        1 | Systems Administrator |

|        2 | Programmer            |

|        1 | DBA                   |


3 rows in set (0.00 sec)



§6.5  HAVING


HAVING 一般是针对组,它是组中的where语句.

select count(*), job
from employee
group by job
having count(*)=1;

§6.6  使用ORDER BY排序


select *
from employee
order by job asc, name desc;



| employeeID  | name          | job                   | departmentID  |
|        9842 | Ben Smith     | DBA                   |            42 |
|        7513 | Nora Edwards  | Programmer            |           128 |
|        6651 | Ajay Patel    | Programmer            |           128 |
|        9006 | Candy Burnett | Systems Administrator |           128 |
4 rows in set (0.02 sec)



§6.6  使用LIMIT限制查询结果


选取6-8,可以和order by配合选取最后面的
select *
from employeeSkills
limit 5, 3;

§6.7  小结

The SELECT statement has the following general form:




SELECT columns

FROM tables

[WHERE conditions]

[GROUP BY group

[HAVING group_conditions]]

[ORDER BY sort_columns]

[LIMIT limits];


The clause select * retrieves all columns; select columnname retrieves a particular column.


We can specify tables as database.table and columns as table.column or database.table.column to avoid ambiguity.


Aliases are alternative names for tables and columns. Specify them this way:




select column as column_alias

from table as table_alias;


The WHERE clause is used to select rows matching search criteria.


The keyword DISTINCT removes duplicates from the result set.


The GROUP BY clause treats the rows retrieved group by group. Its chief use is in conjunction with group functions like count().


The HAVING clause is like a WHERE clause for groups.


The ORDER BY clause sorts result rows according to the columns you specify.


The LIMIT clause is used to control which rows are returned from the total possible result set. You can specify the maximum rows returned and an offset from which to start.

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