Gentoo Eclass Writing Guide
时间:2007-10-11 来源:linuxGentoo
bitbake的资料确实很少,而其代码写的很少注释,所以,只能从源头追踪,bitbake/oe源于gentoo,而gentoo有很多的资料,最近在研究bitbake bbclass,所以现在来研究下gentoo的class---eclass
An eclass may provide default implementations for any of the standard ebuild functions (src_unpack, pkg_postinst etc). This can be done either as a simple function definition (which is not multiple eclass friendly) or using EXPORT_FUNCTIONS. Functions given to EXPORT_FUNCTIONS are implemented as normal, but have their name prefixed with ${ECLASS}_.
也就是说在bbclass中,既可以提供标准的函数 do_configure,do_compile,do_install,等等,也可以自己定义一些普通的函数使用,我再继续研究....
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