Tips for PHP Developers
时间:2007-07-27 来源:linxh
- Do use PDO parameters over SQL values to avoid SQL injection.
- Do use htmlspecialchars/htmlentities and/or strip_tags to escape html and JavaScript to avoid XSS exploits.
- Do use sessions and secure sockets to prevent session hijacking. Use md5 checksums to validate session ids. Store a special token md5(uniqueid(rand(),time)) in the session and bump it against a hidden field in the post form. eg. $_SESSION["token"]===$FORM["token"].
- Do use escapeshellarg/escapeshellcmd for calling exec to avoid command injection.
- Do remove linebreaks from incoming headers to prevent early header termination and injection. Fixed >PHP5.1
- Use md5 checksum on serialized values and sessionid to validate integrity.
- Use === to verify input values to ensure type matching.
- Do use security through obsurity:
- ini_set("display_errors",false);
- ini_set("log_errors",true);
- ini_set("error_log","path/to/php.log");
- ini_set("session.save_path","path/above/www"); or "mm" session module or store in a sqllite db
- php.ini expose_php=off
- php.ini register_globals=off
- Apache servertokens=prod
- Use session_regenerate for any user privledge escalation in application.
- Use secure sockets SSL for commerce transactions.
- Do use single quotes over double quotes.
- Do use switch over lots of if statements
- Do avoid testing loop conditionals with function tests every iteration eg. for($i=0;i<=count($x);$i++){...
- Do use foreach for looping collections/arrays.
- PHP4 items are byval
- >PHP5 items are byref
- Do consider using the Singleton Method when creating complex PHP classes.
- Do use POST over GET for all values that will wind up in the database for TCP/IP packet performance reasons.
- Do use ctype_alnum,ctype_alpha and ctype_digit over regular expression to test form value types for performance reasons.
- Do use full file paths in production environment over basename/fileexists/open_basedir to avoid performance hits for the filesystem having to hunt through the file path. Once determined, serialize and/or cache path values in a $_SETTINGS array. $_SETTINGS["cwd"]=cwd(./);
- Do use require/include over require_once/include_once to ensure proper opcode caching.
- Do use tmpfile or tempnam for creating temp files/filenames
- Do use a proxy to access web services (XML or JSOM) on foreign domains using XMLHTTP to avoid cross-domain errors. eg.<-->XMLHTTP<-->
- Do use error_reporting (E_ALL); during debug.
- Do set Apache allowoverride to "none" to improve Apache performance in accessing files/directories.
- Do use a fast fileserver for serving static content (thttpd).,
- Do serialize application settings like paths into an associative array and cache or serialize that array after first execution.
- Do use PHP output control buffering for page caching of heavilty accessed pages
- Do use PDO prepare over native db prepare for statements. mysql_attr_direct_query=>1
- Do NOT use SQL wildcard select. eg. SELECT *
- Do use database logic (queries, joins, views, procedures) over loopy PHP.
- Do use shortcut syntax for SQL insers if not using PDO parameters parameters. eg. INSERT INTO MYTABLE (FIELD1,FIELD2) VALUES (("x","y"),("p","q"));
- microtime() - Return current Unix timestamp with microseconds to mark performance.
- ab Apache Bench server benchmarking tool.(-n 1000, -c 500)
- Zend Performance Suite
- Callgrind/KCachegrind profiling tool.
- http_load multiprocessing http test client.
- xdebug helps you debugging your script by providing a lot of valuable debug information.
- PHP Security Scanner
PECL APC opcode caching module.
- pecl install APC
- php.ini APC.STAT=0
New Technologies/Techniques
- Service Data Objects -SDOs enable PHP applications to work with data from different sources (like a database query, an XML file, and a spreadsheet) using a single interface.
- JavaScript Object Notation - JSON is a lightweight computer data interchange format you can use instead of XML in AJAX apps.
- PHP5.1.3 to be released within the week.
- PHP6 will implement numerous changes.
- DB2 Viper implements extensive XML support.
- Chris ShiflettPHP Security Consortium and PHP security guru
- John Coggeshall
- Ilia Alshanetsky: PDO Lecture, Security Lecture
- Marcus Boerger
- Derick Rethans: eZ Components - RAD for PHP
- Rasmus Lerdorf
- Christian Wenz: The Return of Javascript: AJAX , New (and old) Trends in Web Hacking, The ABCs of Web Services
- Andrei Zmievski: PHP 6 and Unicode
- Paul Reinheimer: Simple Web Services: REST
- Sara Golemon: Embedding and Extending PHP
- Davey Shafik: Future Deployment of PHP Applications, Migrating to PHP 5.1
- Marcus Baker: Is Agile Right for You? , The OO Sound Barrier: Leveraging OOP
- Lukas Smith: Beyond SQL
- Johannes Schlueter:
- Grant Hutchison: XML to the Max - DB2 Viper with PHP
- Caroline Maynard: PHP Service Data Objects
- Andi Gutmans
- Jason Sweat
- Joe Stagner
- Hartmut Holzgraefe
- Tony Cairns: i5/OS Zend Core Roadmap
- Marco Tabini
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