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python script 21-30

时间:2007-03-21  来源:blackjimmy

已经是第三天了 。感觉真是不错。
渐渐的 有 点 感觉了 。每天看近4小时,还真有点累阿!
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="Generator" content="Kate, the KDE Advanced Text Editor">
message=raw_input("Enter a message:") new_message='' VOWELS='aeiou' print for letter in message: if letter.lower() not in VOWELS: # make sure only lowercase letters when using "in" operator new_message+=letter print "A new string has been created.", new_message print "\nYour message without vowels is:", new_message raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="Generator" content="Kate, the KDE Advanced Text Editor">
word='pizza' print "enter the beginning and ending index for your slice of 'pizza'" print "press the enter key at 'begin' to exit." begin=None # None is python's way of representing nothing # evaluates to false when treated as a condition while begin != '': begin=(raw_input("\nBegin:")) if begin: begin=int(begin) end=int(raw_input("End:")) print "word[", begin, ":", end, "]\t\t", print word[begin:end] raw_input("\nPress the enter key to exit.")


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="Generator" content="Kate, the KDE Advanced Text Editor">
inventory=() # treat the tuple as a condition if not inventory: print "you are empty-handed." raw_input("\nPress the enter key to continue.") # create a tuple with some items inventory=("sword", "armor", "shield", "healing potion") # you can write a tuple in one line # or span it across multiple lines # make your programs easier to read by creating tuples # across multiple lines # print the tuple print "\nThe tuple inventory is:\n", inventory # print each element in the tuple print "\nYour items:" for item in inventory: print item raw_input("\nPress the enter key to exit.")


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="Generator" content="Kate, the KDE Advanced Text Editor">
inventory = ("sword", "armor", "shield", "healing potion") print " Your items : " for item in inventory : print item raw_input ( " \nPress the enter key to continue") # get the length of the inventory print " You have ", len(inventory), " items in your possesion." raw_input ( " \nPress the enter key to continue") # test for membership with in if "healing potion" in inventory: print " You will live to fight another day." # display one item through an index index = int ( raw_input ( "\nEnter the index number for an item in inventory : ")) print "At index", index, "is", inventory[index] # display a slice begin = int ( raw_input (" \nEnter the index number to begin a slice: ")) end = int ( raw_input ("\nEnter the index number to end the slice:")) print "inventory[", begin, " : " , end , "]\t\t", print inventory [begin : end] raw_input ( "\nPress the enter key to continue") # concatenate two tuples chest = ( "gold", "gems") print "You find a chest. It contains :" print chest print "You add the contents of the chest to your inventory" inventory+=chest print "Your inventory is now:" print inventory raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.") 

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="Generator" content="Kate, the KDE Advanced Text Editor">
import random # create a sequence of words to choose from  WORDS=( "python", "jumble", "easy", "difficult", "answer", "xylophone") # use random.choice() to grab a random word form WORDS # pick one word randomly from the sequence word = random.choice(WORDS) # this function generates strings in WORDS # assign word to correct to see the player makes a correct guess # create a variable to use later to see if the guess is correct correct = word # create a jumbled version of word jumble =" " while word: position = random.randrange(len(word)) # create a new version of the string jumble jumble+=word[position] word = word[: position] + word[ (position+1) :] # star the game print \ """  Welcome to word Jumble!  Unscramble the letters to make a word. (press the enter key at the promt to quit.) """ print " The jumble is:", jumble # getting the player's guess guess = raw_input("\nYour guess : ") guess = guess.lower() while (guess!=correct) and (guess!=" "): print "sorry, that's not it." guess=raw_input("Your guess:") guess = guess.lower() if guess==correct: print "That's it! You guessed it!\n" # end the game print "Thanks for playing" raw_input( "\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="Generator" content="Kate, the KDE Advanced Text Editor">
inventory = [ "sword", "armor", "shield", "healing potion"] print " Your items:" for item in inventory: print item raw_input("\nPress the enter key to continue.") # get the length of a list print "You have", len(inventory), "items in your inventory" raw_input("\nPress the enter key to continue") # test for membership with in if "healing potion" in inventory: print "You will live to fight another day." # display one item through an index index=int(raw_input("\nEnter the index number for an item in inventory:")) print "At index", index, "is", inventory[index] # display a slice begin=int(raw_input("\nEnter the index number to begin a slice:")) end=int(raw_input("\nEnter the index number to end a slice:")) print "inventory[", begin, ":", end, "]\t\t", print inventory[begin:end] # concatenate two lists chest=["gold", "gems"] print "You find a chest which contains:" print chest print "You add the contents of the chest to your inventory" inventory+=chest print "Your inventory is now:" print inventory raw_input("\nPress the enter key to continue") # assign by index print "You trade your sword for a crossbow" inventory[0]="crossbow" print "Your inventory is now:" print inventory raw_input("\nPress the enter key to continue") # assin by slice print "You use your gold and gems to buy an orb of future telling." inventory[4:6] =["orb of future telling"] print "Your inventory is now:" print inventory raw_input("\nPress the enter key to continue") # delete an element print "In a great battle , your shield is destroyed." del inventory[2] print "Your inventory is now:" print inventory raw_input("\nPress the enter key to continue") # delete a slice print "Your crossbow and armor are stolen by thieves." del inventory[:2] print "Your inventory is now:" print inventory raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="Generator" content="Kate, the KDE Advanced Text Editor">
mike=["khakis", "dress shirt", "jacket"] mr_dawson=mike honey=mike print "\na friend calls me Mike, I'm wearing", print mike print "\na dignitary calls me Mr Dawson, I'm wearing", print mr_dawson print "\nmy girlfirend calls me Honey, I'm wearing", print honey # all three variables, mike mr_dawson, and honey,  # refer to the same, single list, representing me # at least what i'm wearing honey[2]="red sweater" print "\nmy girlfirend asks me to change my jacket for a red sweater now, i'm wearing", print honey print "\nif a friend meets me, he calls me mike, and i'm wearing", print mike print "\nif a dignitary meets me, he calls me Mr Dawson, and i'm still wearing", print mr_dawson mike=["khakis", "dress shirt", "jacket"] honey=mike[:] # honey is assigned a copy of mike # honey doesnot refer to the same list # just as i was cloned # one at home with my girlfirend # one at my work place with my friend honey[2]="red sweater" print "\nat home a cloned me is wearing", print honey print "\nbut at my work place, i'm still wearing", print mike


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="Generator" content="Kate, the KDE Advanced Text Editor">
scores =[92,92,87,90,85,93,96,95,98] choice =None while choice !="0": print \ """  High Scores Keeper    0 exit  1 show scores  2 add a score  3 delete a score  4 sort scores  """ choice=raw_input("Choice:") print # exit if choice =="0": print "goodbye" # list high-score table elif choice=="1": print "high scores" for score in scores: print scores # add a scores elif choice=="2": score=int(raw_input("what score did you get?:")) scores.append(score) print "your new scores are:", scores # delete a score elif choice =="3": score=int(raw_input("Delete which score?:")) if score in scores: scores.remove(score) print "Your new scores are:", scores else: print score, "isn't in the high scores list." # sort scores elif choice=="4": scores.sort() print "the scores in acending order are:",scores scores.reverse() # want the highest number first print " in reverse, the scores are:", scores # some unknow choice else: print "sorry, but", choice, "isn't a valid choice." raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="Generator" content="Kate, the KDE Advanced Text Editor">
scores=[("A",1000), ("D", 4000),("C", 3000) ,("E", 5000),("B",2000),] print scores choice=None while choice!="0": print \ """  High Scores Keeper  0 quit  1 list scores  2 add a score  """ choice=raw_input("Choice:") print # exit if choice=="0": print "Goodbye!" # display high-score table elif choice=="1": print "NAME\tSCORE" for entry in scores: name,score=entry print name, "\t", score # add a score  elif choice=="2": name=raw_input("what is the player's name?:") score=int(raw_input("what score did the player get?:")) entry=( name,score) scores.append(entry) print "\nThe new scores are:",scores scores.sort() print "\nAscending order", scores scores.reverse() print "\nDescending order",scores scores=scores[:5] print "\nthe first FOUR",scores # some unknow choice else: print "sorry, but", choice, "isn't a valid choice" raw_input("\nPress the enter key to ex it")


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="Generator" content="Kate, the KDE Advanced Text Editor">
geek = { "404": "Clueless. From the web error message 404, meaning page not found.", "Googling": "Searching the Internet for background information on a person.", "Link Rot" : "The process by which web page links become obsolete.", "Keyboard Plaque": "The collection of debris found in computer keyboards.", "Percussive Maintenance": " The act of striking an electronic device to make it work.", "Uninstalled" : "Being fired. Especially popular during the dot-bomb era."} print "the dictionary is:",geek # using a key to retrieve a value print "\nThe value of dictionary geek\'s key '404' is :", print geek["404"] print "\nThe value of geek\'s key 'Link Rot' is:", print geek["Link Rot"] # dictionaries don't have position numbers at all if "Dancing Baloney" in geek: print "\nI know what Dancing Baloney is." else: print "\nI have no idea what Dancing Baloney is." print "\nAs 'Dancing Baloney' is not in geek, so when retrieve it ,you will get:", print geek.get("Dancing Baloney", "i have no idea.") print "\nAs '404' is in geek, so when you retrieve it, you will get:", print geek.get("404") choice=None while choice!="0": print \ """  Geek Translator  0 quit  1 look up a geek term  2 add a geek term  3 redefine a geek term  4 delete a geek term    """ choice=raw_input("Choice:") print # exit if choice=="0": print "goodbye" # get a definition elif choice=="1": term=raw_input("what term do you want me to translate?") if term in geek: definition=geek[term] print "\n", term, "means", definition else: print "\nSorry, I don't know", term # add a term-definition pair elif choice=="2": term=raw_input("what term do you want me to add?:") if term not in geek: definition=raw_input("what's the definition?:") geek[term]=definition print "\n", term, "has been added." print "\nNow the new geek is :", geek else: print "\nThat term already exists! Try redefining it." # redefine an existing term elif choice=="3": term=raw_input("what term do you want me to redefine?:") if term in geek: definition=raw_input("what's the new definition?:") geek[term]=definition print "\n", term, "has been redefined" print geek else: print "\nThat term doesn't exist! Try adding it." # delete a term-definition pair elif choice=="4": term=raw_input("what term do you want me to delete?:") if term in geek: del geek[term] print "\nOK, I deleted", term else: print "\nI can't do that!", term, "doesn't exist in the dictionary." # some unknow choice else: print "\nSorry, but", choice, "isn't a valid choice." raw_input("\nPress the enter key to exit.")

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