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mySql 第三人软件

时间:2006-06-29  来源:softiger

B Contributed programs

Many users of MySQL have contributed very useful support tools and addons.

A list of what is available at http://www.mysql.com/Contrib (or any mirror) is shown below. If you want to build MySQL support for the Perl DBI/DBD interface, you should fetch the Data-Dumper, DBI, and Msql-Mysql-modules files and install them. See section 4.10 Perl installation comments.

00-README This listing.

B.1 API's

  • Perl modules
    • Data-Dumper-2.09.tar.gz Perl Data-Dumper module. Useful with DBI/DBD support.
    • DBI-1.11.tar.gz Perl DBI module.
    • KAMXbase1.0.tar.gz Convert between `.dbf' files and MySQL tables. Perl module written by Pratap Pereira [email protected], extened by Kevin A. McGrail [email protected]. This converter can handle MEMO fields.
    • Msql-Mysql-modules-1.2209.tar.gz Perl DBD module to access mSQL and MySQL databases..
    • Data-ShowTable-3.3.tar.gz Perl Data-ShowTable module. Useful with DBI/DBD support.
  • JDBC
    • mm.mysql.jdbc-1.2b.tar.gz The mm JDBC driver for MySQL. This is a production release and is actively developed. By Mark Matthews ([email protected]). This driver has a LGPL license. Please check http://www.worldserver.com/mm.mysql/ for the latest drivers (and other JDBC information) since this driver is not updated as frequently.
    • twz1jdbcForMysql-1.0.4-GA.tar.gz The twz driver: A type 4 JDBC driver by Terrence W. Zellers private and educational use.
  • mysql-c++-0.02.tar.gz MySQL C++ wrapper library. By Roland Haenel,
  • mysql++ MySQL C++ API (More than just a wrapper library). Originally by
  • mysql-ruby-2.1.6.tar.gz MySQL Ruby module. By TOMITA Masahiro [email protected] Ruby is Object-Oriented Interpreter Language.
  • delphi-interface.gz Delphi interface to libmysql.dll, by Blestan Tabakov,
  • DelphiMySQL2.zip Delphi interface to libmysql.dll, by [email protected]
  • JdmMysqlDriver-0.1.0.tar.gz A VisualWorks 3.0 Smalltalk driver for MySQL. By
  • Db.py Python module with caching. By [email protected].
  • MySQLmodule-1.4.tar.gz Python interface for the MySQL. By Joseph Skinner [email protected]; Modified by Joerg Senekowitsch [email protected]
  • mysql_mex.tar.gz An interface program for the Matlab program by MathWorks.
  • mysqltcl-1.53.tar.gz Tcl interface for MySQL. Based on `msqltcl-1.50.tar.gz'. Updated by Tobias Ritzau, [email protected].
  • MyC-0.1.tar.gz A Visual Basic-like API, by Ed Carp.
  • sqlscreens-1.0.1.tar.gz TCL/TK code to generate database screens. By Jean-Francois Dockes.
  • Vdb-dflts-2.1.tar.gz This is a new version of a set of library utilities intended to provide a generic interface to SQL database engines such that your application becomes a 3-tiered application. The advantage is that you can easily switch between and move to other database engines by implementing one file for the new backend without needing to make any changes to your applications. By [email protected].
  • DbFramework-1.10.tar.gz DbFramework is a collection of classes for manipulating MySQL databases. The classes are loosely based on the CDIF Data Model Subject Area. By Paul Sharpe [email protected].
  • pike-mysql-1.4.tar.gz MySQL module for pike. For use with the Roxen web server.
  • squile.tar.gz Module for guile that allows guile to interact with SQL databases. By Hal Roberts.
  • stk-mysql.tar.gz Interface for Stk. Stk is the Tk widgets with Scheme underneath instead of Tcl. By Terry Jones
  • eiffel-wrapper-1.0.tar.gz. Eiffel wrapper by Michael Ravits.

B.2 Clients

  • Graphical clients
    • mysqlgui homepage The MySQL GUI client homepage. By Sinisa at TCX.
    • kmysqladmin-0.4.1.tar.gz
    • kmysqladmin-0.4.1-1.src.rpm
    • kmysqladmin-0.4.1-1.i386.rpm An administration tool for the MySQL server using QT / KDE. Tested only on Linux.
    • Java client using Swing By Fredy Fischer, [email protected]. You can always find the latest version here.
    • mysqlwinadmn.zip Win32 GUI (binary only) to administrate a database, by David B. Mansel,
    • xmysqladmin-1.0.tar.gz A front end to the MySQL database engine. It allows reloads, status check, process control, myisamchk, grant/revoke privileges, creating databases, dropping databases, create, alter, browse and drop tables. Originally by Gilbert Therrien, [email protected] but now in public domain and supported by TcX.
    • xmysql-1.9.tar.gz
    • xmysql home page A front end to the MySQL database engine. It allows for simple queries and table maintenance, as well as batch queries. By Rick Mehalick, [email protected]. Requires xforms 0.88 to work.
    • dbMetrix An open source client for exploring databases and executing SQL. Supports MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and mSQL.
    • GtkSQL A query tool for MySQL and PostgreSQL.
    • dbMan A query tool written in Perl. Uses DBI and Tk.
    • Atronic's MySQL client for Win32
  • Web clients
    • mysqladmin-atif-1.0.tar.gz WWW MySQL administrator for the user, db and host tables. By Tim Sailer, modified by Atif Ghaffar
    • mysql-webadmin-1.0a8-rz.tar.gz A tool written in PHP-FI to administrate MySQL databases remotely over the web within a Web-Browser. By Peter Kuppelwieser, Not maintained anymore!
    • mysqladm.tar.gz MySQL Web Database Administration written in Perl. By Tim Sailer.
    • mysqladm-2.tar.gz Updated version of `mysqladm.tar.gz', by High Tide.
    • billowmysql.zip Updated version of `mysqladm.tar.gz', by Ying Gao. You can get the newest version from the home site.
    • myadmin-0.4.tar.gz
    • MyAdmin home page A web based mysql administrator by Mike Machado.
    • phpMyAdmin_2.0.1.tar.gz A set of PHP3-scripts to adminstrate MySQL over the WWW.
    • phpMyAdmin home page A PHP3 tool in the spirit of mysql-webadmin, by Tobias Ratschiller, [email protected]
    • useradm.tar.gz MySQL administrator in PHP. By Ofni Thomas

B.3 Web tools

  • http://www.odbsoft.com/cook/sources.htm This package has various functions for generating html code from an SQL table structure and for generating SQL statements (Select, Insert, Update, Delete) from an html form. You can build a complete forms interface to an SQL database (query, add, update, delete) without any programming! By Marc Beneteau, [email protected].
  • sqlhtml.tar.gz SQL/HTML is an HTML database manager for MySQL using DBI 1.06.
  • udmsearch-2.2.1.tar.gz A MySQL- and PHP- based search engine over HTTP. By Alexander I. Barkov [email protected].
  • wmtcl.doc
  • wmtcl.lex With this you can write HTML files with inclusions of TCL code. By
  • www-sql-0.5.7.lsm
  • www-sql-0.5.7.tar.gz A CGI program that parses an HTML file containing special tags, parses them and inserts data from a MySQL database.
  • genquery.zip Perl SQL database interface package for html.
  • cgi++-0.2.tar.gz A CGI wrapper by Sasha Pachev.
  • WebBoard 1.0 EU-Industries Internet-Message-Board.
  • DBIx-TextIndex-0.02.tar.gz Full-text searching with Perl on BLOB/TEXT columns by Daniel Koch.

B.4 Authentication tools

  • ascend-radius-mysql-0.6.1.patch.gz This is authentication and logging patch using MySQL for Ascend-Radius. By [email protected].
  • icradius 0.10 icradius readme file
  • checkpassword-0.81-mysql-0.5.1.patch.gz MySQL authentication patch for QMAIL and checkpassword. These are useful for management user(mail,pop account) by MySQL. By [email protected]
  • jradius-diff.gz MySQL support for Livingston's Radius 2.01. Authentication and Accounting. By Jose de Leon, [email protected]
  • mod_auth_mysql-2.20.tar.gz Apache authentication module for MySQL. By Zeev Suraski, Please register this module at: http://bourbon.netvision.net.il/mysql/mod_auth_mysql/register.html. The registering information is only used for statistical purposes and will encourage further development of this module!
  • mod_log_mysql-1.05.tar.gz MySQL logging module for Apache. By Zeev Suraski,
  • mypasswd-2.0.tar.gz Extra for mod_auth_mysql. This is a little tool that allows you to add/change user records storing group and/or password entries in MySQL tables. By Harry Brueckner, [email protected].
  • mysql-passwd.README
  • mysql-passwd-1.2.tar.gz Extra for mod_auth_mysql. This is a two-part system for use with mod_auth_mysql.
  • pam_mysql.tar.gz This module authenticates users via pam, using MySQL.
  • nsapi_auth_mysql.tar Netscape Web Server API (NSAPI) functions to authenticate (BASIC) users against MySQL tables. By Yuan John Jiang.
  • qmail-1.03-mysql-0.4.1.patch.gz Patch for qmail to authenticate users from a MySQL table.
  • pwcheck_mysql-0.1.tar.gz An authentication module for the Cyrus IMAP server. By Aaron Newsome.

B.5 Converters

  • dbf2mysql-1.13.tgz Convert between `.dbf' files and MySQL tables. By Maarten Boekhold, [email protected], and Michael Widenius. This converter can't handle MEMO fields.
  • dbf2mysql.zip Convert between FoxPro `.dbf' files and MySQL tables on Win32. By Alexander Eltsyn, [email protected] or [email protected].
  • dump2h-1.20.gz Convert from mysqldump output to a C header file. By Harry Brueckner,
  • exportsql.txt A script that is similar to access_to_mysql.txt, except that this one is fully configurable, has better type conversion (including detection of TIMESTAMP fields), provides warnings and suggestions while converting, quotes all special characters in text and binary data, and so on. It will also convert to mSQL v1 and v2, and is free of charge for anyone. See http://www.cynergi.net/prod/exportsql/ for latest version. By Pedro Freire, [email protected]. Note: Doesn't work with Access2!
  • access_to_mysql.txt Paste this function into an Access module of a database which has the tables you want to export. See also exportsql. By Brian Andrews. Note: Doesn't work with Access2!
  • importsql.txt A script that does the exact reverse of exportsql.txt. That is, it imports data from MySQL into an Access database via ODBC. This is very handy when combined with exportSQL, since it lets you use Access for all DB design and administration, and synchronize with your actual MySQL server either way. Free of charge. See http://www.netdive.com/freebies/importsql/ for any updates. Created by Laurent Bossavit of NetDIVE. Note: Doesn't work with Access2!
  • /msql2mysqlWrapper 1.0 A C wrapper from mSQL to MySQL. By [email protected]
  • sqlconv.pl A simple script that can be used to copy fields from one MySQL table to another in bulk. Basically, you can run mysqldump and pipe it to the sqlconv.pl script and the script will parse through the mysqldump output and will rearrange the fields so they can be inserted into a new table. An example is when you want to create a new table for a different site you are working on, but the table is just a bit different (ie - fields in different order, etc.). By Steve Shreeve.

B.6 Using MySQL with other products

  • emacs-sql-mode.tar.gz Raw port of a SQL mode for XEmacs. Supports completion. Original by Peter D. Pezaris [email protected] and partial MySQL port by David Axmark.
  • MyAccess.mda MyAccess is an AddIn for Access 97 and handles a lot of maintanance work for MySQL databases. MyAccess-readme. By Hubertus Hiden.
  • radius-0.3.tar.gz Patches for radiusd to make it support MySQL. By Wim Bonis,

B.7 Useful tools

  • mysql_watchdog.pl Monitor the MySQL daemon for possible lockups. By Yermo Lamers,
  • mysqltop.tar.gz Sends a query in a fixed time interval to the server and shows the resulting table. By Thomas Wana.
  • mysql_structure_dumper.tar.gz Prints out the structure of the all tables in a database. By Thomas Wana.
  • structure_dumper.tgz Prints the structure of every table in a database. By Thomas Wana.
  • mysqlsync-1.0-alpha.tar.gz. A perl script to keep remote copies of a MySQL database in sync with a central master copy. By Mark Jeftovic. [email protected]
  • MySQLTutor. MySQLTutor. A tutor of MySQL for beginners
  • MySQLDB.zip A COM library for MySQL by Alok Singh.
  • MySQLDB-readme.html
  • mysql_replicate.pl Perl program that handles replication. By [email protected]
  • DBIx-TextIndex-0.02.tar.gz Perl program that uses reverse indexing to handle text searching. By Daniel Koch.

B.8 Uncategorized

  • findres.pl Find reserved words in tables. By Nem W Schlecht.
  • handicap.tar.gz Performance handicapping system for yachts. Uses PHP. By
  • hylalog-1.0.tar.gz Store hylafax outgoing faxes in a MySQL database. By Sinisa Milivojevic, [email protected].
  • mrtg-mysql-1.0.tar.gz MySQL status plotting with MRTG, by Luuk de Boer, [email protected].
  • wuftpd- Patches to add logging to MySQL for WU-ftpd. By Zeev Suraski,
  • Old-Versions Previous versions of things found here that you probably won't be interested in.
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