apache 用Flood进行WEB服务器测试
时间:2006-04-09 来源:softiger
Checking out flood
The current copy of flood is available via Subversion. Flood also depends on the apr and apr-util packages available from the same Subversion repository. Note: Flood will automatically detect and configure APR and APR-util if they are in the appropriate subdirectories. If you have an already installed copy of APR and APR-util (such as the ones that come with httpd-2.0 or Subversion), you may specify --with-apr and --with-apr-util at configure-time. % svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/test/trunk/flood
% cd flood
% svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/apr/apr/trunk apr
% svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/apr/apr-util/trunk apr-util
Configuring flood and its dependencies
Now that you have all of the required modules checked out, you now need to generate the configure scripts and execute them for your platform. Flood and SSL support
Note: SSL support is not enabled by default in flood. If you wish to enable SSL support, you must specify --enable-ssl when configuring flood. If you attempt to run flood against a https URL without SSL support compiled-in, you will receive an error similar to the following: % ./flood examples/round-robin-ssl.xml
open request failed (https://www.modssl.org/example/test.phtml).
Error running farmer 'Joe': This function has not been implemented on this
The --enable-ssl option enables detection of the OpenSSL libraries. If flood can not automatically detect OpenSSL, you will need to specify --with-openssl to point at the appropriate installed version of OpenSSL. The --with-capath option points at a directory that contains the Certificate Authorities (CAs) for OpenSSL. The default capath is in $openssl_prefix/certs. Running configure from the flood directory
% ./buildconf
% ./configure --disable-shared
Compiling flood and its dependencies
In this example, APR and apr-util will automatically be built with flood. So, you only need to issue a make in the flood directory. % make all
Running flood
By default, flood is a static executable, so the executable is relocatable. There are some example flood profiles in the examples/ directory from CVS. % ./flood examples/round-robin.xml > foo.out
Analyzing flood output
The foo.out file generated above is in a simple easy-to-parse format. There are some included shell and awk scripts in the examples directory that provide some easy mechanisms to extract info from the flood output files. % ./examples/analyze-relative foo.out
This should provide a quick and easy way to jumpstart your flood installation. If you have any questions, please email the [email protected] mailing list.
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE flood SYSTEM "flood.dtd">
<flood configversion="1">
<name>Test Hosts</name>
<description>A bunch of hosts we want to hit</description> <!-- Replace with your own domain (see RFC 2606, Section 3) -->
<baseurl>http://www.example.com</baseurl> <!-- Simple multipart/form-data POST. Contains one plain variable 'foo' with
value 'bar' and file variable 'logo', which refers to file 'asf_logo.gif'.
Plese note, that this example has string 'XML encoded binary file
contents' as file body, instead of actual data. This is intended, to make
this example simple. In real scenario this string would have to be
replaced by file contents encoded as XML entities. -->
<url method="POST"
Content-Type="multipart/form-data; boundary=AaB03x"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="foo"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="logo"; filename="asf_logo.gif"
Content-Type: image/gif

XML encoded binary file contents;
--AaB03x--">/foo</url> <!-- Example XML-RCP query, as found in protocol spec. It calls method
'examples.getStateName' with one integer argument. -->
<url method="POST"
payload="<xml version="1.0"><methodCall><methodName>examples.getStateName</methodName><params><param><value><i4>41</i4></value></param></params></methodCall>">/foo</url>
</urllist> <profile>
<description>Round Robin Configuration</description>
<useurllist>Test Hosts</useurllist>
</profile> <farmer>
</farmer> <farm>
</farm> </flood>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE flood SYSTEM "flood.dtd">
<!-- Hi, I'm a flood config file. -->
<flood configversion="1">
<!-- A urllist describes which hosts and which methods we want to hit. -->
<name>Test Hosts</name>
<description>A bunch of hosts we want to hit</description>
<!-- Find FAQ on HTTPD project page -->
<url method="GET" responsetemplate="<a href="([^"]*)">FAQ</a>" responsename="faq">http://httpd.apache.org/</url>
<url method="GET" requestparamcount="1" requesttemplate="http://httpd.apache.org${faq}" />
<!-- Search for httpd-2.0 commit access.
<url method="POST" payload="method=and&format=builtin-long&sort=score&config=htdig&restrict=&exclude=&words=httpd-2.0+commit+access" responsetemplate="<a href="([^"]*)">" responsename="id">http://www.apachelabs.org/cgi-bin/htsearch</url>
<url method="GET" requesttemplate="${id}" responsetemplate="Prev</A> <A HREF="([^"]*)">" responsename="next" />
<url method="GET" requestparamcount="1" requesttemplate="http://www.apachelabs.org${next}" />
<!-- Search google.com for "foo" and go to the first search result.
<url method="GET" responsetemplate="<a href=http://([^>]*)>" responsename="foo">http://www.google.com/search?q=foo</url>
<url method="GET" requestparamcount="1" requesttemplate="http://${foo}" />
</urllist> <!-- The profile describes how we will hit the urllists.
Round robin runs all of the URLs in the urllist in order once. -->
<description>Round Robin Configuration</description> <useurllist>Test Hosts</useurllist> <!-- Profile Events -->
<socket>keepalive</socket> <!-- Verification Events -->
<verify_resp>verify_200</verify_resp> <!-- Reporting Events -->
</profile> <!-- A farmer runs one profile a certain number of times. -->
<!-- run the Joe farmer 5 times -->
<!-- Joe uses this profile -->
</farmer> <!-- A farm contains a bunch of farmers - each farmer is a thread. -->
<usefarmer count="1">Joe</usefarmer>
</farm> <!-- Set the seed to a known value so we can reproduce the same tests -->
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE flood SYSTEM "flood.dtd">
<!-- Hi, I'm a flood config file. They call me "round-robin.xml"
I am an example of a "round-robin" configuration. All of the URLs in
the urllist "Test Hosts" will be hit in sequential order.
Flood's syntax is XML based.
After compiling flood (./configure && make), you can execute me as:
./flood examples/round-robin.xml
(The path to me.) Flood will then output data to stdout in the format as specified below
(relative_times) for each URL that it hits:
998951597871780 1389 57420 7960273 7960282 OK 4 http://www.apache.org/
The columns are as follows:
- Absolute Time in usec that the request was started by flood
- Relative Time in usec (to first column) that it took to open the socket
to the specified server
- Relative Time in usec (to first column) that it took to write the
generated request to the server.
- Relative Time in usec (to first column) that it took to read the
generated response from the server.
- Relative Time in usec (to first column) that it took to close the
socket. On a keepalive socket, it may not close the socket.
- OK/FAIL indicates what the verification module (in this case,
verify_200) thought of the request.
- The thread/process id of the farmer that made the request.
- The URL that was hit (without query strings) To get a "nice" summary of the output (as well as an idea of how to
further process this info), try out:
./flood examples/round-robin.xml > my-output
./examples/analyze-relative my-output
<flood configversion="1">
<!-- A urllist describes which hosts and which methods we want to hit. -->
<name>Test Hosts</name>
<description>A bunch of hosts we want to hit</description>
<!-- We first send a POST request to search.apache.org looking for "foo"
Notice the payload attribute - this allows us to specify the POST
content. -->
<url method="POST" payload="version=2&keyword=foo&results=20&what=apr.apache.org">http://search.apache.org/index.cgi</url>
<!-- Then, we perform a HEAD request on www.apache.org -->
<url method="HEAD">http://www.apache.org/</url>
<!-- Then, we retrieve the index page of dev.apache.org -->
<url method="GET">http://dev.apache.org/</url>
<!-- The default method is "GET", so let's get APR's index page. -->
</urllist> <!-- The profile describes how we will hit the urllists. For this
example, we execute with the round_robin profile.
Round robin runs all of the URLs in the urllist in order once. -->
<name>Example Profile</name>
<description>A Test Round Robin Configuration</description> <!-- See above. This indicates which URLs we will hit. -->
<useurllist>Test Hosts</useurllist> <!-- Specifies that we will use round_robin profile logic -->
<!-- Specifies that we will use generic socket logic
We also have "keepalive" as an option - this option indicates that
we should attempt to use HTTP Keepalive when available. -->
<!-- Specifies that we will use verify_200 for response verification
This verification step ensures that we received a 2xx or 3xx
status code from the server. -->
<!-- Specifies that we will use the "relative_times" report generation
We also have "easy" - this option is similar to "relative_times",
but the times posted are absolute instead of relative to the start
of the request. -->
<report>relative_times</report> </profile> <!-- A farmer runs one profile a certain number of times. This farmer is
called Joe. -->
<!-- We run the Joe farmer 5 times
Note that we have the "time" option which indicates for how many
seconds a farmer should run. The "time" and "count" elements are
exclusive. -->
<!-- Farmer Joe uses this profile -->
<useprofile>Example Profile</useprofile>
</farmer> <!-- A farm contains a bunch of farmers - each farmer is an independent
worker (i.e. a thread or child process). -->
<!-- We call our farm "Bingo" - note that the farm must be called Bingo
in the current implementation. -->
<!-- We will start 5 farmers named Joe. We will start 2 farmers every 5
seconds. -->
<usefarmer count="5" startcount="2" startdelay="5">Joe</usefarmer>
</farm> <!-- Set the seed to a known value so we can reproduce the same tests.
Flood uses a seeded PRNG - this allows the tests which use random
numbers to be reproduced. -->
<!-- That's all folks! -->
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE flood SYSTEM "flood.dtd">
<!-- Hi, I'm a flood config file. -->
<flood configversion="1">
<!-- A urllist describes which hosts and which methods we want to hit. -->
<name>Test Hosts</name>
<description>A bunch of hosts we want to hit</description>
<url method="POST" payload="version=2&keyword=foo&results=20&what=apr.apache.org" predelay="1" predelayprecision="5">http://search.apache.org/index.cgi</url>
<url method="HEAD" postdelay="2" postdelayprecision="2">http://www.apache.org/</url>
<url method="GET" predelay="1" postdelay="1">http://dev.apache.org/</url>
<url method="POST" payload="version=2&keyword=foo&results=20&what=apr.apache.org">http://search.apache.org/index.cgi</url>
<url method="POST" payloadparam="random" payloadparamcount="1" payloadtemplate="version=2&keyword=foo$$&results=20&what=apr.apache.org">http://search.apache.org/index.cgi</url>
<url method="HEAD">http://www.apache.org/</url>
<url method="GET">http://dev.apache.org/</url>
</urllist> <!-- The profile describes how we will hit the urllists.
Round robin runs all of the URLs in the urllist in order once. -->
<description>Round Robin Configuration</description> <useurllist>Test Hosts</useurllist> <!-- Profile Events -->
<profile_destroy>round_robin_profile_destroy</profile_destroy> <!-- Socket Events -->
<!-- default socket_init -->
<!-- default begin_conn -->
<!-- default send_req -->
<!-- default recv_resp -->
<!-- default end_conn -->
<!-- default socket_destroy --> <!-- Verification Events -->
<verify_resp>verify_200</verify_resp> <!-- Reporting Events -->
</profile> <!-- A farmer runs one profile a certain number of times. -->
<!-- run the Joe farmer 5 times -->
<!-- Joe uses this profile -->
</farmer> <!-- A farm contains a bunch of farmers - each farmer is a thread. -->
<usefarmer count="1">Joe</usefarmer>
</farm> <!-- Set the seed to a known value so we can reproduce the same tests -->
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE flood SYSTEM "flood.dtd">
<!-- Hi, I'm a flood config file.
This is a keepalive-enabled profile. -->
<flood configversion="1">
<!-- A urllist describes which hosts and which methods we want to hit. -->
<name>Test Hosts</name>
<description>A bunch of hosts we want to hit</description>
<!-- change element below to point to default Apache 2.0 installation -->
</urllist> <!-- The profile describes how we will hit the urllists.
Round robin runs all of the URLs in the urllist in order once. -->
<description>Round Robin Configuration</description> <useurllist>Test Hosts</useurllist> <!-- Profile Events -->
<profile_destroy>round_robin_profile_destroy</profile_destroy> <!-- Socket Events -->
<socket_destroy>keepalive_socket_destroy</socket_destroy> <!-- Verification Events -->
<verify_resp>verify_200</verify_resp> <!-- Reporting Events -->
</profile> <!-- A farmer runs one profile a certain number of times. -->
<!-- run the Joe farmer 1000 times -->
<!-- Joe uses this profile -->
</farmer> <!-- A farm contains a bunch of farmers - each farmer is a thread. -->
<!-- Create 10 identical Joe farmers executing in parallel. -->
<usefarmer count="10">Joe</usefarmer>
</farm> <!-- Set the seed to a known value so we can reproduce the same tests -->
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE flood SYSTEM "flood.dtd">
<!-- Hi, I'm a flood config file. -->
<flood configversion="1">
<!-- A urllist describes which hosts and which methods we want to hit. -->
<name>Test Hosts</name>
<description>A bunch of hosts we want to hit</description>
<url method="POST" payload="version=2&keyword=foo&results=20&what=apr.apache.org">http://search.apache.org/index.cgi</url>
<url method="HEAD">http://www.apache.org/</url>
<url method="GET">http://dev.apache.org/</url>
</urllist> <!-- The profile describes how we will hit the urllists.
Round robin runs all of the URLs in the urllist in order once. -->
<description>Round Robin Configuration</description> <useurllist>Test Hosts</useurllist> <!-- Specifies that we will use round_robin profile logic -->
<!-- Specifies that we will use generic socket logic -->
<!-- Specifies that we will use verify_200 for response verification -->
<!-- Specifies that we will use the "easy" report generation -->
<report>relative_times</report> </profile> <!-- A farmer runs one profile a certain number of times. -->
<!-- run the Joe farmer 5 times -->
<!-- Joe uses this profile -->
</farmer> <!-- A farm contains a bunch of farmers - each farmer is a thread. -->
<usefarmer count="1">Joe</usefarmer>
</farm> <!-- Set the seed to a known value so we can reproduce the same tests -->
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE flood SYSTEM "flood.dtd">
<flood configversion="1">
<name>Test Hosts</name>
<description>A bunch of hosts we want to hit</description>
<!-- This site is currently down
</urllist> <profile>
<description>Test of the Round Robin Configuration</description> <useurllist>Test Hosts</useurllist> <!-- Profile Events -->
<profiletype>round_robin</profiletype> <!--socket>generic</socket-->
<socket>keepalive</socket> <!-- Verification Events -->
<verify_resp>verify_200</verify_resp> <!-- Reporting Events -->
</profile> <farmer>
<!-- run the Joe farmer 2 times -->
<!-- Joe uses this profile -->
</farmer> <farm>
<usefarmer count="1">Joe</usefarmer>
</farm> <!-- Set the seed to a known value so we can reproduce the same tests -->
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE flood SYSTEM "flood.dtd">
<!-- Hi, I'm a flood config file. -->
<flood configversion="1">
<!-- A urllist describes which hosts and which methods we want to hit. -->
<name>Test Hosts</name>
<description>A bunch of hosts we want to hit</description>
<url method="POST" payload="version=2&keyword=foo&results=20&what=apr.apache.org">http://search.apache.org/index.cgi</url>
<url method="HEAD">http://www.apache.org/</url>
<url method="GET">http://dev.apache.org/</url>
</urllist> <!-- The profile describes how we will hit the urllists.
Round robin runs all of the URLs in the urllist in order once. -->
<description>Round Robin Configuration</description> <useurllist>Test Hosts</useurllist> <!-- Specifies that we will use round_robin profile logic -->
<!-- Specifies that we will use generic socket logic -->
<!-- Specifies that we will use verify_200 for response verification -->
<!-- Specifies that we will use the "easy" report generation -->
<report>easy</report> </profile> <!-- A farmer runs one profile a certain number of times. -->
<!-- run the Joe farmer for 30 seconds -->
<!-- Joe uses this profile -->
</farmer> <!-- A farm contains a bunch of farmers - each farmer is a thread. -->
<usefarmer count="1">Joe</usefarmer>
</farm> <!-- Set the seed to a known value so we can reproduce the same tests -->
幸运的Apache HTTP工程包含了一个名为HTTPD-Test的子工程,正如这个名称所揭示的,这是一个Apache的通用测试工具包,这个包里包含了大量的不同工具,而本文将主要介绍其中一个名为洪水(Flood)的工具,它之所以如此命名,是因为它利用向服务器发出洪水般的大量请求测试服务器的响应时间。
幸运的Apache HTTP工程包含了一个名为HTTPD-Test的子工程,正如这个名称所揭示的,这是一个Apache的通用测试工具包,这个包里包含了大量的不同工具,而本文将主要介绍其中一个名为洪水(Flood)的工具,它之所以如此命名,是因为它利用向服务器发出洪水般的大量请求测试服务器的响应时间。
$ cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/home/cvspublic login
$ cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/home/cvspublic co httpd-test/flood
$ cd httpd-test/flood
$ cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/home/cvspublic co apr
$ cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/home/cvspublic co apr-util
$ buildconf
$ configure
$ make all
Slowest pages on average (worst 5):
Average times (sec)
connect write read close hits URL
0.0022 0.0034 0.0268 0.0280 100 http://test.mcslp.pri/java.html
0.0020 0.0028 0.0183 0.0190 700 http://www.mcslp.pri/
0.0019 0.0033 0.0109 0.0120 100 http://test.mcslp.pri/random.html
0.0022 0.0031 0.0089 0.0107 100 http://test.mcslp.pri/testr.html
0.0019 0.0029 0.0087 0.0096 100 http://test.mcslp.pri/index.html
Requests: 1200 Time: 0.14 Req/Sec: 9454.08
在这里你可以看到测试中进行连接(connect),请求(write/request),回应(read /response),关闭连接(close)的平均时间。你也可以对服务器每称处理的请求数目有个基本的印象。
对于如New York Times、Slashdot之类的新闻站点以及一些BLOG之类,它们都有一个主要的首页,首页上有着众多到栏目页和内容页的连接,对某条信息感兴趣的读者可以点进去仔细阅读。
Farmer Set A |
Farmer Set B |
Farmer Set C |
URL List |
Homepage Only |
Homepage +3 stories |
3 story pages |
Repeat Count |
1 |
3 |
3 |
Count |
100 |
20 |
20 |
Start Count |
5 |
5 |
5 |
Start Delay |
1 |
5 |
5 |
Notes |
Home page only |
Homepage+Stories |
Stories only (RSS) |
Farmer Set |
URL List |
10-15 pages |
Repeat Count |
5 |
Count |
50 |
Start Count |
5 |
Start Delay |
5 |
测试 "Slashdot" 效应
Farmer Set |
URL List |
1 page |
Repeat Count |
50 |
Count |
250 |
Start Count |
100 |
Start Delay |
1 |