时间:2006-03-21 来源:leaslie
phpPgAdmin 是一个充分地功能基于互联网的管理实用程序为PostgreSQL 数据库服务器。 它处理所有基本的功能并且某个先进的功能譬如触发器, 视图和功能(被存储的procs)
有没有研究过phpPgAdmin 的朋友???我急需它的数据库安装文件:*.sql
回复人: anziqi(美洲狮) ( ) 信誉:96
2002-09-29 23:49:53Z
回复人: pantech_36(~ 25436 ~) ( ) 信誉:104
2002-09-30 09:42:22Z
//$database=pg_connect("host= port=5432 dbname=crsdb user=oasisdb password=millennium");
Database Browser
echo "Type SQL Query Here
echo "
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
echo "";
echo "
if($action=="usersql") {
echo "QUERY: ".htmlspecialchars($usersql)."
echo "Return to tables
if($numofrows=pg_numrows($result)) {
echo "\n";
while($fields2) {
echo "".pg_fieldname($result,$fields-$fields2);
echo "";
$fields2-- ; }
echo "\n";
while($numofrows > $click) {
echo "";
while($fields2) {
echo "";
echo htmlspecialchars($row[$fields-$fields2--]);
echo " ";
echo ""; }
echo "\n";
echo "";
else $action="";
if ($action=="") {
$sql="SELECT usename, relname, relkind, relhasrules FROM pg_class, pg_user WHERE usesysid = relowner and ( relkind = 'r' OR relkind = 'S' OR relkind = 'v') and relname !~ '^pg_' and relname !~ '^xinx' ORDER BY relname";
回复人: pantech_36(~ 25436 ~) ( ) 信誉:104
2002-09-30 09:43:11Z
if(!pg_NumRows($result)) echo "No Tables Found!";
else {
echo "\n";
echo "OwnerRelationType\n";
while($click ".$row[usename]."";
echo "".$row[relname]."";
if($row[relkind]=="S") echo "sequence\n";
if($row[relkind]=="r") echo "table\n";
if($row[relkind]=="i") echo "index\n";
if($row[relkind]=="v") echo "view\n";
echo "\n";
if($action=="viewt") {
$sql="SELECT a.attnum as attnum, a.attname as attname, t.typname as typname, a.attlen as attlen, a.atttypmod as atttypmod, a.attnotnull as attnotnull, a.atthasdef as atthasdef FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t WHERE c.relname = '$table' and a.attnum > 0 and a.attrelid = c.oid and a.atttypid = t.oid ORDER BY attnum";
$sql2="SELECT viewname, definition FROM pg_views WHERE viewname like '$table'";
if (pg_numrows($result2)) {
echo "View = " . $row[viewname] . "
echo "Query = " . $row[definition] . "
\n"; }
else echo "Table = " . $table . "
echo "Return to Tables
echo "\n";
echo "NameLengthType\n";
while($click ".$row[attname]."";
if ($row[attlen]==-1) $row[attlen]="var";
echo "".$row[attlen]."".$row[typname]." ";
if($row[attnotnull]=="t") echo "not null ";
if($row[atthasdef]=="t") {
echo "default = ";
$sql2="SELECT d.adsrc as adsrc FROM pg_attrdef d, pg_class c WHERE c.relname = '$table' and c.oid = d.adrelid and d.adnum = ".$row[attnum];
echo $row2[adsrc]; }
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
$sql2="SELECT c2.relname as relname FROM pg_class c, pg_class c2, pg_index i WHERE c.relname = '$table' and c.oid = i.indrelid and i.indexrelid = c2.oid ORDER BY c2.relname";
if($numofrows=pg_numrows($result2)) {
while($numofrows > $click) {
echo "
Index: " . $row2[relname] . "
该问题已经结贴 ,得分记录: anziqi (30)、 pantech_36 (40)、 pantech_36 (30)、
有没有研究过phpPgAdmin 的朋友???我急需它的数据库安装文件:*.sql
回复人: anziqi(美洲狮) ( ) 信誉:96
2002-09-29 23:49:53Z
回复人: pantech_36(~ 25436 ~) ( ) 信誉:104
2002-09-30 09:42:22Z
//$database=pg_connect("host= port=5432 dbname=crsdb user=oasisdb password=millennium");
Database Browser
echo "Type SQL Query Here
echo "
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
echo "";
echo "
if($action=="usersql") {
echo "QUERY: ".htmlspecialchars($usersql)."
echo "Return to tables
if($numofrows=pg_numrows($result)) {
echo "\n";
while($fields2) {
echo "".pg_fieldname($result,$fields-$fields2);
echo "";
$fields2-- ; }
echo "\n";
while($numofrows > $click) {
echo "";
while($fields2) {
echo "";
echo htmlspecialchars($row[$fields-$fields2--]);
echo " ";
echo ""; }
echo "\n";
echo "";
else $action="";
if ($action=="") {
$sql="SELECT usename, relname, relkind, relhasrules FROM pg_class, pg_user WHERE usesysid = relowner and ( relkind = 'r' OR relkind = 'S' OR relkind = 'v') and relname !~ '^pg_' and relname !~ '^xinx' ORDER BY relname";
回复人: pantech_36(~ 25436 ~) ( ) 信誉:104
2002-09-30 09:43:11Z
if(!pg_NumRows($result)) echo "No Tables Found!";
else {
echo "\n";
echo "OwnerRelationType\n";
while($click ".$row[usename]."";
echo "".$row[relname]."";
if($row[relkind]=="S") echo "sequence\n";
if($row[relkind]=="r") echo "table\n";
if($row[relkind]=="i") echo "index\n";
if($row[relkind]=="v") echo "view\n";
echo "\n";
if($action=="viewt") {
$sql="SELECT a.attnum as attnum, a.attname as attname, t.typname as typname, a.attlen as attlen, a.atttypmod as atttypmod, a.attnotnull as attnotnull, a.atthasdef as atthasdef FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t WHERE c.relname = '$table' and a.attnum > 0 and a.attrelid = c.oid and a.atttypid = t.oid ORDER BY attnum";
$sql2="SELECT viewname, definition FROM pg_views WHERE viewname like '$table'";
if (pg_numrows($result2)) {
echo "View = " . $row[viewname] . "
echo "Query = " . $row[definition] . "
\n"; }
else echo "Table = " . $table . "
echo "Return to Tables
echo "\n";
echo "NameLengthType\n";
while($click ".$row[attname]."";
if ($row[attlen]==-1) $row[attlen]="var";
echo "".$row[attlen]."".$row[typname]." ";
if($row[attnotnull]=="t") echo "not null ";
if($row[atthasdef]=="t") {
echo "default = ";
$sql2="SELECT d.adsrc as adsrc FROM pg_attrdef d, pg_class c WHERE c.relname = '$table' and c.oid = d.adrelid and d.adnum = ".$row[attnum];
echo $row2[adsrc]; }
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
$sql2="SELECT c2.relname as relname FROM pg_class c, pg_class c2, pg_index i WHERE c.relname = '$table' and c.oid = i.indrelid and i.indexrelid = c2.oid ORDER BY c2.relname";
if($numofrows=pg_numrows($result2)) {
while($numofrows > $click) {
echo "
Index: " . $row2[relname] . "
该问题已经结贴 ,得分记录: anziqi (30)、 pantech_36 (40)、 pantech_36 (30)、
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