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php爱好者> php文档>LVS 服务监控程序Ldirectord 配置

LVS 服务监控程序Ldirectord 配置

时间:2005-06-29  来源:NICKY.BOY


# # Ldirectord will periodically connect to each real server # and request a known URL. If the data returned by the server # does not contain the the expected response then the # test fails and the real server will be taken out of the available # pool. The real server will be added back into the pool once the # test succeeds. If all real servers are removed from the pool then # localhost is added to the pool as a fallback measure. # # Based on the sample ldirectord.cf provided with ldirectord # # Prepared: March 2003 # # Global Directives checktimeout=10 checkinterval=2 #fallback= autoreload=no #logfile="/var/log/ldirectord.log" logfile="local0" quiescent=yes # Virtual Server for HTTP virtual= fallback= real= masq real= masq service=http request="index.html" receive="Test Page" scheduler=rr #persistent=600 protocol=tcp checktype=negotiate # Virtual Service for HTTPS virtual= fallback= real= masq real= masq service=https request="index.html" receive="Test Page" scheduler=rr #persistent=600 protocol=tcp checktype=negotiate # Virtual Service for FTP # Note that peresistancy needs to be turned on for FTP when # used with LVS-TUN (ipip) or LVS-DR (gate), but not with LVS-NAT (masq). virtual= fallback= real= masq real= masq service=ftp request="welcome.msg" receive="Welcome" login="anonymous" passwd="[email protected]" scheduler=rr #persistent=600 protocol=tcp checktype=negotiate ## Virtual Service for IMAP #virtual= # fallback= # real= masq # real= masq # service=imap # #login="test" # #passwd="test" # scheduler=rr # #persistent=600 # protocol=tcp # checktype=negotiate # ## Virtual Service for POP #virtual= # fallback= # real= masq # real= masq # service=pop # #login="test" # #passwd="test" # scheduler=rr # #persistent=600 # protocol=tcp # ## Virtual Service for SMTP #virtual= # fallback= # real= masq # real= masq # service=smtp # scheduler=rr # #persistent=600 # protocol=tcp # ## Virtual Service for LDAP #virtual= # fallback= # real= masq # real= masq # service=ldap # scheduler=rr # #persistent=600 # protocol=tcp # 只需要由HA启动ldirectord时读入该配置文件。就可以正确检测后台服务进程,踢掉DOWN了的节点,提供高可用服务了。

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