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php爱好者> php文档>第十五招 枉自煩惱

第十五招 枉自煩惱

时间:2005-03-06  来源:silvia

第十五招 枉自煩惱

I was frightened out of my wits when I met the tiger face to face.

I was absolutely terrified when I canoed up the Amazon.

I went white with fear when I went for a walk in the dark forest.


I was terrified out of my mind when I climbed Mount Everest.


I was really terrified of being left at home when I was a small boy.


I was scared out of my wits when I watched the guy falling of the tall tree.


I was scared stiff of watching the girl being killed with a knife.

I was frightened of running out of water.


I was frightened that so many people were attacked in the streets in that city.

I was scared that Mrs. Wilkinson was woken up by a strange noise, which seemed to come from the garden.

The murder scene in the film horrified me.

I shivered to the idea that a frightful car crash might occur near the center of the town.


Mrs. Rumbold is all of a flutter about her daughter’s wedding next week.

I was worried by the pictures of monsters in the book.

I was extremely nervous of mount St. Helens erupting.


I was afraid of being lost in the new city.

They have a very coward manner.

I am afraid they will let the cat out of the bag.

The mistake you made isn’t at all important. Please don’t lose any sleep over it.


Where have you been? Your mother has been going out for two hours wondering where you were.

Chris looks as though he has something on his mind. Perhaps he’s worried about the exams tomorrow.

What’s eating you? You have hardly said a word to me since you arrived this morning.

It worried me to death to see you looking so tired.

Don’t worry, something’s sure to turn up.

The men at the factory said the new automatic equipment could take the board out of a good many mouths.


You can’t find a boyfriend? You should not worry, with your good looks!

I was on the rack because I was deeply in doubt and eventually my health suffered as well.


The cost of living is now so high that you need to ear a good income just to keep your head above water. Don’t you think so?

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