luis doc work log
时间:2005-03-22 来源:silvia
finish the formal spec and contract to Luis.
and sent the backup file to 163.
I'm just meaning to remind u for those important aspects that are core value of our website.
With Assets Management tools, users can easily handle their most important assets, images or other creations, either done by themselves or acquired by other authorizations. Users can categorize assets by sorting them with the keywords tagged in metadata, which are considered as in XML format and stored in Database. They can also drag & drop icons freely to hierarchy their assets and view basic text for property as moving mouse over. The image itself is saved with original metadata that describes basic information in regards of size, date created, color space…etc. For those what users may need to add on for searchability or categorization, the metadata can be stored in XML and the server will convert it into new image file or PDF so that are effected for repurposing.
With Workflow Management tools, users can make plan-do-check-action cycles for all the jobs interactively by defining job ticket or triggers that issue, check, approve, submit, request or report the jobs. These issues are prepare for extending more service and possibilities for our website’s next version—Printing E-Business.
It should also be an interface for administrator to assign tasks of batch processing or users’ authentication, database maintenance…etc. All details will be finalized after our further discussions.
I’m sorry for not being able to call you tonight, due to my regular sport activities. How about next time you may feel free?
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