安装此 PECL 扩展相关的信息可在手册中标题为 PECL 扩展的安装章节中找到。更多信息如新的发行版本、下载、源文件、 维护人员信息及变更日志等,都在此处: » http://pecl.php.net/package/mongodb
Linux, Unix, and macOS users may run the following command to install the driver:
$ sudo pecl install mongodb
If your system has multiple version of PHP installed (e.g. macOS default, Homebrew, » XAMPP), note that that each version of PHP has its own pecl command and php.ini file.
Installing the driver via PECL will use bundled versions of » libbson and » libmongoc and attempt to automatically configure them.
Note: If the build process fails to find an SSL library, check that the development packages (e.g. libssl-dev) and » pkg-config are both installed. If that does not resolve the problem, consider using the manual installation process.
Finally, add the following line to your php.ini file: