(PECL uopz 2 >= 2.0.2, PECL uopz 5)
uopz_flags — Get or set flags on function or class
, int $flags
) : int$class
, string $function
, int $flags
) : intGet or set the flags on a class or function entry at runtime
The name of a class
The name of the function
A valid set of ZEND_ACC_ flags, ZEND_ACC_FETCH to read flags
If setting, returns old flags, else returns flags
Example #1 uopz_flags() example
class Test {
public function method() {
return __CLASS__;
$flags = uopz_flags("Test", "method", ZEND_ACC_FETCH);
var_dump((bool) (uopz_flags("Test", "method", ZEND_ACC_FETCH) & ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE));
var_dump((bool) (uopz_flags("Test", "method", ZEND_ACC_FETCH) & ZEND_ACC_STATIC));
var_dump(uopz_flags("Test", "method", $flags|ZEND_ACC_STATIC|ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE));
var_dump((bool) (uopz_flags("Test", "method", ZEND_ACC_FETCH) & ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE));
var_dump((bool) (uopz_flags("Test", "method", ZEND_ACC_FETCH) & ZEND_ACC_STATIC));
bool(false) bool(false) int(1234567890) bool(true) bool(true)